Globe Pequot / Skirt!
Pages: 160
Trim: 5½ x 7½
978-0-7627-7062-5 • Hardback • April 2011 • $16.95 • (£12.99)
Patti Digh, the creator and author of the award-winning blog, is the author of three previous Skirt! books: the best-selling Life Is a Verb, a Books for a Better Life finalist; Creative Is a Verb; and Four-Word Self-Help. She is an internationally recognized speaker whose comments have been featured in the Wall Street Journal, the London Financial Times, and the New York Times. Her Web site is, and she lives in Asheville, North Carolina.
As with her previous books, the author will actively promote and market the work in her speaking engagements, on her blog and website, and through social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Her 40+ city tour for Life is a Verb was one example of the power of social media in creating a grassroots best seller, as was her 30-day blog tour when Life is a Verb was published. Because the contributors (both writers and artists) will have a vested interest in the book, they will also provide a good avenue for increasing sales.
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A beautifully illustrated collection of wisdom from around the world