Globe Pequot / Falcon Guides
Pages: 96
Trim: 6 x 9
978-0-7627-4759-7 • Paperback • May 2008 • $9.95 • (£7.99)
978-1-4617-4608-9 • eBook • May 2008 • $8.99 • (£6.99)
Cliff Jacobson is one of North America's most respected outdoors writers and wilderness canoe guides. He is a retired environmental science teacher, an outdoors skills instructor, a canoeing and camping consultant, and the author of more than a dozen top-selling books on canoeing and camping. He is a recipient of the American Canoe Association's prestigious Legends of Paddling Award and a member of the ACA Hall of Fame.
New featuresThe manuscript was carefully reviewed by the staff of Bell Canoe Works and We-no-nah Canoes - the two most prestigious canoe companies in North