Globe Pequot
Pages: 224
Trim: 6 x 9
978-0-7627-4334-6 • Paperback • November 2007 • $14.95 • (£11.99)
Henry Homeyer is a University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension master gardener with more than fifty years' experience in organic gardening. He is a freelance writer whose weekly gardening column is carried by a dozen New England newspapers; associate editor of People, Places and Plants magazine; and author of Notes from the Garden (University Press of New England), selected as one of the best gardening books of 2002 by the Christian Science Monitor. Once a month he broadcasts on Vermont Public Radio as "the gardening guy," once or twice a year he appears on an hourlong call-in gardening show on New Hampshire Public Radio, and he often speaks to garden groups, such as the Boston Flower Show.
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