Chapter 1: Kasserian Ingera: Achieving Black Male Collegiate Success through Afrostructual
Interventions by Dr. Vida A. Robertson
Chapter 2: An Afrocentric and Nation of Islam Approach to Teacher Preparation at Historically
Black Colleges and Universities by Abul Pitre, Tanya Hudson, and Jocelyn Smith-Gray
Chapter 3: African American Studies and African American History: Pedagogical Approaches to
Introductory Courses in Black Studies by Charmane M. Perry
Chapter 4: Epistemological Reparations: An Afrocentric Approach Within Black Studies
by Ifetayo M. Flannery
Chapter 5: A Value-Added Module for Introduction to Africana Studies: Speaking in the
Disciplines and Africana Market Value by Christel N. Temple
Chapter 6: Africana Studies, Urban/Afrocentric Education and Afrocentricity: An Innovativeness
of Axiology by James L. Conyers Jr.
Chapter 7: Making Gumbo: Africana Studies and HBCUs at the Crossroads byDonela Wright
About the Contributors