Section I: The Twentieth Century: A Retrospective View
Chapter 1: The Spanish Flu and its Effects on Population Growth: The Aftermath by Jessica L. Burke, Lisa A. Eargle, and Ashraf Esmail
Chapter 2: The Rise of Global Citizens by Ghosh Thinnakkakath
Chapter 3: The Growth of Technology in the 20th Century by Priscilla Okunji
Chapter 4: Industrial Revolution, Industrialization, and Impacts on Human Environment: The
Imperativeness of Environmental Education by Tolu O. Isele, Bimpe E. Alabi, and Kofo A. Aderogba
Chapter 5: The Last Decade of the 20th Century by Veronica Woodard and Twila Sterling-Guillory
Section II: The Twenty-First Century: A Present and Futuristic View
Chapter 6: Education in the 21st Century: Quest for Sustainable Education in the Global South
by Kofo A. Aderogba and Tolu O. Isele
Chapter 7: Climate Change, Cross-Border Trade, Business Survival, and the Global Economy
by Sylvester Udeorah
Chapter 8: The Corona Virus Pandemic: Health and Economic Implications by Priscilla Okunji
Chapter 9: Managing Digital Technology and Research Communication for Sustainable Systems by Brendan James Moore, Syed Adeel Ahmed, and Ashraf Esmail
Chapter 10: Harnessing Global Energy Mix: The African Perspective by Edward Agbai and Theophilus Boufini
Chapter 11: Managing The Dynamics: In Individuals and Government by Sheri Harshaw and Compreca C. Martin
Chapter 12: The Leadership Question of The 21st Century: A Futuristic View of Africa by Anthony Obi Ogbo
Chapter 13: Information Governance: A Catalyst for Digital Transformation by Henrietta Okoro
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