List of Figures
List of Tables
Section I. Foundation of Play and Literacy
Chapter 1. History of Play and Literacy Research: Contribution of Dr. James F. Christie
Myae Han
Chapter 2. The Book-Play Paradigm in Early Literacy Pedagogy
Kathleen A. Roskos
Section II. Play and Books
Chapter 3. “I wrote a Mona Lisa!” Preschoolers’ Play During Traditional and Digital Writing
Renée Casbergue and Julie Parrish
Chapter 4. Children’s Literature as a Means to Provide Time for Playful Learning While Meeting Academic Standards
M. Angel Bestwick
Chapter 5. Responsive Play: Exploring Language and Literacy Through Play as Reader Response
Tori K. Flint
Section III. Classroom Dynamics
Chapter 6. Play and Emerging Literacy: A Comparative Analysis of Kindergarten and Mixed-Age (K-2) Children’s Scaffolding During Symbolic Play Transformations
Sandra J. Stone & Brian A. Stone
Chapter 7. Preschool Teachers’ Responsive Interactions in the Dramatic Play Center and Children’s Vocabulary Outcomes
Sohyun Meacham & Myae Han
Section IV. Teacher and Adult Education
Chapter 8. Re-Learning to Play: Mediating Pre-Service Teachers’ Exploration of Drama-Based Instruction
Timothy M. Vetere & Matthew E. Poehner
Chapter 9. Play Element and Dynamics of Interaction in an Adult L2 Classroom with the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) Approach
Marine Pepanyan & Sohyun Meacham
About the Contributors