OneHistorical Background to Israeli Land Policy
The Zionist Dimension
From Market Transactions to State Expropriation
The Israeli Supreme Court
Different Laws
The Difference in Legal Status Over the Land
Failure to Protect Arab Peasantry and the Entering of Zionist Settlers
The Categorization of Present Land Ownership in the West Bank
TwoThe Land Laws: Different Takings and Approaches
Israel Accused of Reinterpreted Article 43 of The Hague Regulations of 1907
Private and Public Disputes Intertwine?
The Stance of B’Tselem
The Stance of Peace Now
The Stance of the Edmund Levy Report
ThreeArticle 43 of The Hague Regulations
Prolonged Occupation Creates Unbridgeable Conflicts
Respect the Laws in Force versus Flexibility When Conditions Change
More Politics, Less Law
FourIsrael, the Fourth Geneva Convention, and The Hague Regulations: Different Takings and Approaches
The Most Common Arguments For and Against the Illegality of Settlements
The Geneva Convention Applies, but Not Justiciable in Israeli Court System?
FiveA Review of US Presidents’ Policy vis-à-vis Israeli Settlements
Lyndon B. Johnson
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter
Ronald Reagan
George H. W. Bush
Bill Clinton
George W. Bush
Barack Obama
Donald Trump
SixA Paradigm Shift?
SevenTwo Different Destinies, Two Separate Paths
The Unlikely Peace ActivistThe Former SettlerConclusions Appendix OneAppendix TwoGlossary
About the Author