Hamilton Books
Pages: 258
Trim: 6 x 9
978-0-7618-6960-3 • Paperback • August 2017 • $40.99 • (£35.00)
978-0-7618-6961-0 • eBook • August 2017 • $38.50 • (£30.00)
Oscar Patterson III, Ph.D., is Worshipful Master of Ashlar Lodge No. 98 F. & A.M. in St. Augustine, FL, for 2017. He is also State Chairmen for Public Education and Citizenship for the Grand Lodge of Florida and holds the Gold Proficiency Card. He has academic degrees in religion and philosophy, design, and communication. He has been a juvenile officer, a minister, a combat infantry officer, and a university professor and administrator.
Chapter 1: Making a Mason
Chapter 2: The Nature of History
Chapter 3: The Legend Begins
Chapter 4: Rough Mason, Mason, Freemason, Accepted Mason
Chapter 5: The London Masons’ Company
Chapter 6: Operative to Speculative
Chapter 7: Ritual, Experience, and Meaning
Chapter 8: Education: A Bold Imaginative Experience through the Liberal Arts
Chapter 9: Ethical Decision-Making: Freemason, Soldier, Physician
Chapter 10: Once and Future Freemasonry: Philosophy and Meaning
Chapter 11: A Closing Charge
Appendix I: Old Charges
Appendix II: British Liberate Rolls
Appendix III: Account Books
Author’s Biography
Dr. Patterson’s new book, Rough Mason, Mason, Freemason, Accepted Mason, not only presents the reader with concrete definitions and guideline of Freemasonry but also offers countless avenues for further study to the person seeking more light.
— Robert P. Harry, Jr, Past Grand Master (2007), Grand Lodge of Florida
Most of the readers of this work already know about Freemasonry and enjoy its ritual and moral teaching. This book goes a step beyond and provides the “how” and “why” of Freemasonry that has enabled it to endure the test of time. I recommend it to all interested in the Fraternity.
— Edward Ray Suart, Past District Deputy Grand Master (1990), Grand Lodge of Florida
Well written. A great read! Clearly explains history of Masonic Ritual which many Masons have never had described after the Degrees were conferred.
— David Pierucci, Ashlar Lodge No. 98 and Hope Lodge No. 2813