John Pasquini’s On God’s Existence is a remarkably inclusive journey through the maze of arguments, proofs, and demonstrations that have engaged the intellectual and spiritual energies of the best minds in Western civilization. From Thomas Aquinas to Descartes, Newman, C.S. Lewis and other recent philosophers and theologians. Pasquini’s elegant and sober, yet insightfully critical and profound discussion of both classic and modern representatives of the debate on God invites the reader to join the conversation, to become a participant, not just an observer, in this most important of all conversations. Scholarly, compelling, critical – a work I regard as indispensable to anyone who dares to ask the fundamental questions about the ultimate sense of human life.
— Sixto J. Garcia, PhD., Emeritus Professor of Systematic and Philosophical Theology, Notre Dame, Formerly, St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary
The phenomenon of the existence of God has been a central and continuing preoccupation in Western Christian tradition. Fr. Pasquini's contribution to the probability of this existence is a seminal, comprehensive and persuasive text. In each succinct chapter, Pasquini reports and advances the scholarship of this mystery. The discussions involving consciousness and stunted psychological development are particularly compelling psychologically-based arguments. Truly an invaluable tool in presenting exhaustive views of the inquiry.
— Wayne L. Creelman, MD, McCabe Clinical Eminent Scholar and professor of psychiatry, University of Florida College of Medicine
In our time many people assume that belief in God is not knowledge, but merely a subjective preference or attitude, which cannot be demonstrated through rational, logical reasoning. But in his newly released book, On God’s Existence: Traditional and New Arguments, Fr. John Pasquini presents a concise yet comprehensive summary of logical arguments that discredit this false and, ultimately disastrous, assumption. By approaching the question of God’s existence from a great variety of perspectives, he shows that belief in God is actually far more reasonable and logical than its rejection.
— G. Alexander Ross, PhD, Institute of Psychological Studies (IPS), sociologist, professor emeritus
Fr. Pasquini book On God’s Existence presents excellent logical arguments to prove the presence of God. He uses great examples from scientists, philosophers, and theologians to validate his case. As a Catholic as well as a scientist, it is nice to have these arguments presented to help us who believe defend our faith . . . .
— Jonathan Volk, Ph. D., Natural Sciences/Chemical Engineer, Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS)
The book On God’s Existence is a fascinating work that is sure to enrich the lives of those who read it. Touching on a variety of contemporary topics in the realm of the faith, On God’s Existence will challenge the reader to go deeper into the “proofs” of the existence of God, and to realize the many ways that one can embark in order to arrive at the same conclusion: God is real, God is true, and God walks with us on every step of this human existence. I highly recommend this book to all those wishing to grow in the faith and understanding of the greatest mystery of the universe: God’s Existence.
— Alfred Cioffi, S.T.D., Ph.D., Professor of Biology and Bioethics, Blue Cross-Shield Endowed Chair in Bioethics in STEM, St. Thomas University; National Catholic Bioethics Center, Consultant.
It was a delight to read Father Pasquini”s masterful summary of centuries of great arguments (and a few new ones!) for the existence of God. In modern times we seem to have lost the gift for sound reasoning, such as displayed in every chapter here in clear and even pithy ways by the author. Further, it is a great tragedy that so few of our young people anymore are exposed to the multiple converging and compelling logical bases of the near inescapable necessity to posit a Divine Creator. Should we then be so surprised that so few of our youth are now firm and confident believers? A book like this one is in perpetual need in every age – over and over a new generation must learn anew the basic truths so well defended by a powerful set of arguments which Father Pasquini so ably offers on nearly every page.
— Richard E. Gallagher, M.D., Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, New York Medical College
We look to the heavens and are in awe of what we envision. What wonder . . . what majesty . . . how can there not be a God. But then reason begins to taunt us . . . and we question.On God’s Existencetakes one through the classical “proofs” and gathers exciting modern scientific approaches to these arguments for the Creator. With this little gem, Fr. John Pasquini shares with us 33 succinctly wrapped posits, converging on that which brings meaning and purpose to existence. In so doing, his frequent personal “asides” summon many of the questions that arise in each of us as we engage these thoughtful passages.
— Paul E. Mottl, M.R.E., M.Div., Th.D., Ph.D., Dean, Providence Theological School, Ret. Canon to the Ordinary for the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania
This book is a good tool especially for those seeking the truth about God’s existence. Fr. John J. Pasquini renders a valuable service by succinctly presenting the many varied theories about the existence and non-existence of God. This book provokes both one’s thought and reflection. In a world where many want to reduce the question of God to the private and sentimental sphere, this book comes as a providential asset to state that God endowed the human person with intelligence not to forgo it [but to use it] in our pursuance of Him.
— Nicholas Cachia, S.T.D., Associate Professor, Theology/Philosophy, St Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary
Although already a believer and forever a man of science, I still findinspiration and life in Fr. Pasquini's treatment of that which, from timeimmemorial, has delighted as many as it has confounded. This book, whichI recommend with enthusiasm, is clearly the work of an inspired andknowledgeable evangelizer.
— Chamindra Williams, Ph.D., Mathematics/Chemistry, Adjunct Professor of Palm Beach State College
From the time of creation, we have desired to know and explain the Creator. In this compendium of reasonable arguments, Fr. Pasquini offers a thorough re-examination of this question. It is my hope that many “searchers” will find reasons to believe and give greater meaning to their lives.
— David L. Toups, S.T.D., Theology/Philosophy, Rector/President, St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary
Pasquini’s work echoes from page to page the crux of Einstein’s spirit who claimed, “Everyone who is seriously engaged in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that the laws of nature manifest the existence of a spirit vastly superior to that of men.” Pasquini’s work is succinct, precise, and ingenious. It echoes his deep seated belief that atheism is more a malady (atheist Personality disorder) than an intellectual movement.
— Florence Traversy, Ph.D., Physics/Natural Sciences, École Normale Nicolet, Professor Emeritus
This wonderful piece of writing has [explored] the questions that man has sought [answers] to since the beginning of time . . . . This book, well written and researched, should be on the shelf of any [believer], especially enabling the reader to refute the many mistruths that are encountered each day.
— Brian Horgan, M.Div., MS., MSW (I)., Ph.D., Psychology, Northcentral University