University Press of America
Pages: 312
Trim: 6 x 9
978-0-7618-6704-3 • Paperback • November 2015 • $51.99 • (£40.00)
978-0-7618-6705-0 • eBook • November 2015 • $49.00 • (£38.00)
Lisa A. Eargle is a Board of Trustees Research Scholar, Professor and Chair of
Sociology at Francis Marion University in Florence, SC. Her research focuses upon the areas of disasters and crime. Dr. Eargle is the co-editor of Black Beaches And Bayous: The BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Disaster (UPA, 2012) and Savage Sand And Surf: the Hurricane Sandy Disaster (UPA, 2015).
Ashraf Esmail is the Coordinator of the Criminal Justice Program at Dillard University in New Orleans. His research focuses upon a variety of criminological, educational, and multicultural issues. Dr. Esmail serves on the Board of Directors for the National Association for Peace/Anti-Violence Education and is the senior editor for the Journal of Education and Social Justice.
Foreword by Dr. Raymond M. Delaney, Jr.
Preface by Dr. Lisa A. Eargle and Dr. Ashraf Esmail
Chapter One: Piercing the Silence: An Overview of Gun Violence: Patterns, Profits, Protections and Policies
Lisa A. Eargle and Ashraf Esmail
Chapter Two: Shattered Self-Images: Narcissism, Egotistical Suicide and School Shooters
Selina Doran and Mary Ann O’Grady
Chapter Three: From Egotistical and Anomic Suicide to Egotistical And Anomic Homicide: Explaining The Aurora, Colorado Mass Shooting Using Durkheim, Merton and Agnew
Dinur Blum and Christian G. Jaworski
Chapter Four: School Shooters: The Progression From Social Rejection to Mass Murder
Martha Smithey
Chapter Five: Institutional Correlates of Intimate Partner Gun Homicides
Sheryl L. Van Horne
Chapter Six: (Il)legal Guns and Homicide: A Case Study of New Orleans
Jessica M. Doucet, Julia D’Antonio-Del Rio, and Chantel D. Chauvin
Chapter Seven: Do Firearms and Other Weapons Increase the Odds of Injury During an Assault? An Offender-Based Analysis
Nicole M. Schmidt, Christopher A. Kierkus, and Alan J. Lizotte
Chapter Eight: No Help In Sight: the Impact of Trauma Center Closures on Gun Violence Survival
Noam Ostrander and Anna Johnson
Chapter Nine: Gun Violence in the U.S.: A Muted Type of Terrorism
Reem A. Abu-Lughod
Chapter Ten: Applying A Disaster Process Framework to Studying Gun Violence: The Gun-Assisted Violence as Disaster (GAVAD) Model
Lisa A. Eargle
Chapter Eleven: Framing Mass Gun Violence: A Content Analysis of Print Media Coverage of the Virginia Tech and Sandy Hook Elementary School Tragedies
James Hawdon, Laura Agnich, Robert Wood and John Ryan
Chapter Twelve: Satirizing Mass Murder: What Many Think, Yet Few Will Say
Jaclyn Schildkraut, H. Jaymi Elsass, and Glenn W. Muschert
Chapter Thirteen: Voices From Gun Violence Prevention Interest Groups: Prescriptive Solutions to Reducing the Problem
Selina Doran
Every New Orleanian knows the statistic: highest per capita murder rates in the United States. For the most well-known city, in the state best known for “bringing up the rear” in every quality of life statistic, being cast as Number 1 is no prize. This book examines fully what plagues New Orleans and other communities that are entrenched in this downward spiral of social illness, and offers REAL policy proposals as cures. I read this book through my lens as a civil rights attorney, social justice advocate and organizer; it is compelling and a must read for those who want to advance community conversations on change.
— Tracie L. Washington, MPA, JD, President & CEO, Louisiana Justice Institute
This book is an awesome illustration of how gun violence in America continues to reach all socioeconomic levels. Several authors bring to the forefront the localized terrorism that plagues our city streets, but also indicate our lack of ability to control gun violence. The research and statistics are phenomenal and I believe the authors, indeed, provoke new theories on how gun violence impacts us all. This is a must read book, not only for person involved with the criminal justice or the study thereof, but for the general populace.
— Nicole Sheppard, Attorney, Upper Iowa University