Hamilton Books
Pages: 298
Trim: 6 x 9
978-0-7618-6534-6 • Paperback • May 2015 • $53.99 • (£42.00)
978-0-7618-6535-3 • eBook • May 2015 • $51.00 • (£39.00)
Clive Giller (born 1933 in London) is a retired architect, but after graduating from Cambridge University practised at first as an engineer. He learned Russian when doing National Service and has since travelled in Russia and become keenly interested in recent developments there.
Yuri Popov (born 1951 in Kotlas, USSR) studied sculpture and architecture at the Repin Institute, Saint Petersburg. He came to England in 1991 and since then has continued to involve himself in building design and sculpture.
The translators; acknowledgementsIntroductionPart 1- Prologue
- About Homer
- About father
- To age seventeen
- About mama
- Childhood
- Ideology
8First deviation- Papa’s friends
- Pity
- The whole country
- All-Saints and Sokol
- Reflections
- Boy with a cock
- Sverdlovsk
- Kabakov’s black cat
- Perm; it’s also Molotov
- He and She
- The theatre
20The other grandmother- Colleagues
- Ignoramus
- 22nd June 1941
- Evacuees
- Commissar Zavirokhin
- A fighting friend
- Antselovich
- To the front
- The front
- German leaflets
- Don’t be a white crow!
- My universities
- A situation
- A pass to all locations
- Mistakes
- Again the theatre
- Crisis
- November celebrations
- International Organisation for the Assistance of Casualties (MOPR)
- The crisis develops
- Not comrade Stalin, but Iosif Vissarionovich!
- Seriozha Shtein
- Dust, dust, dust…
- The role of Lenin
- Verkhovsky
46InternationalePart 2- In the remand cell (KPZ)
- Friday
- Alone
- The martyr’s crown of the Russian intelligentsia
- A twilight state of the spirit
- The commission
- One floor higher
- Taganka – every night filled with fire
- Balashikha prison
- The stolypin
- Kazan
- The Russian nationalist Soldatov
- The Anthem of the Soviet Union
- He is dead, dead, dead …
- The doctors’ plot
- Emperors and presidents
- Beria – enemy of the people
- To the gallows of the Bolsheviks!
- The British subject
- On the side of the party
- Film director Kapchinsky
- Intellizhens Servis
- SR Lapshov
- The dictator
- Butyrka
72With your thingsPart 3- How life treated me when I was free
- Amorous business
- Rumours
- The American exhibition
- Two more years
- My little white pigeon
- From my diary
- A death and a funeral
- Ivan Denisovich
- Working days
- Chapaevsky Street
- Unemployed
- Tomsk
- Grandmother Fenia
- Nikolia-the-fool
- Television
- Zaochni Narodni Universitet Iskusstv
90Kashchenko- In the homeland of a great writer
- I love you
- At the Ministry of Culture
- Aesop and the GPU (State Political Administration)
- A page from my diary
- Pages from my diary
- In the Kremlin hospital
- The Klyazma sanatorium
- The last lines of a confiscated diary
100 Vasili Ivanovich Chapaev and Petka101 Yakir102 EpilogueChronologyGlossaryBibliographyIndex