University Press of America
Pages: 166
Trim: 6¼ x 9⅛
978-0-7618-6278-9 • Paperback • December 2013 • $44.99 • (£35.00)
978-0-7618-6279-6 • eBook • December 2013 • $42.50 • (£35.00)
Delia Méndez Montesinos is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of Texas in Austin where she teaches both advanced language and literature courses and was the General Language Program Coordinator.
Chapter One: On Laughter, Fools, and Comedy
Chapter Two: Simple, Peladito, and Rasquachi: Topsy-Turvying Identities
Chapter Three: The Verbal and Kinesthetic Language of the Simpleton
Chapter Four: Costumes and Other External Signs
Méndez Montesinos' valuable study concerns itself particularly with popular performances that feature a buffoon or comic simpleton, and develops case studies from three geographical regions. . . .Enlightening comparisons are the highlight of this interesting and well-written book, and they lead the reader to speculate about other contexts, periods, and places in which similar structures and traditions emerge.
— Comparative Drama