Hamilton Books
Pages: 484
Trim: 6½ x 9½
978-0-7618-6206-2 • Hardback • December 2013 • $133.00 • (£102.00)
978-0-7618-6207-9 • eBook • December 2013 • $126.00 • (£97.00)
Reverend Ray E. Atwood is a Catholic priest of the Archdiocese of Dubuque. He is pastor of Prince of Peace Cluster in Traer, Iowa.
1 The Principles and Mechanics of Effective Preaching
2 Preaching in the Old Testament
3 Preaching in the New Testament
4 Preaching in the Post-Apostolic Church
5 Preaching in the Patristic Age
6 Preaching in the Middle Ages
7 Preaching in the Reformation and Post-Reformation Periods
8 Preaching in the Modern and Contemporary Era
Chronology of Historical Periods and Homilists Covered in This Book
Patristic Appendix
Mass Readings Index
Index of Homilies
About the Author
Father Atwood’s book, Masters of Preaching: More Poignant and Powerful Homilists in Church History, Volume Two, is in harmony with the Pope Benedict’s call for a renewal of preaching and the new evangelization. The attention to detail and creative writing are evident in developing the story of Catholicism’s pulpit masters. Both clergy and laity will be able to drink more deeply of the wellspring of truth in Scripture through this book. His hope is that through the study of this book, ‘God may be glorified in all things.’
— Jerome Hanus, O.S.B., Archbishop of Dubuque
As with Masters of Preaching, Volume One, I find this book to be brilliant, deep, comprehensive, inspiring, and helpful.
— Richard Schaefer, Archdiocese of Dubuque
Father Atwood’s second volume of Masters of Preaching is another invaluable resource for all who are called to preach the word of God. The examples of those who were—and are—masters of that ministry remind us that homilists must first be men of deep faith who spare no energy in preparing homilies.
— Richard Pates, Bishop of Des Moines