University Press of America
Pages: 402
Trim: 6 x 9
978-0-7618-6093-8 • Paperback • April 2013 • $57.99 • (£45.00)
978-0-7618-6094-5 • eBook • April 2013 • $55.00 • (£42.00)
Jacob Neusner is distinguished service professor of the history and theology of Judaism and senior fellow with the Institute of Advanced Theology at Bard College. He is a member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, and a life member of Clare Hall, Cambridge University. He holds nine honorary degrees and fourteen academic medals, along with other awards. He has published more than a thousand books.
Bruce D. Chilton is the Bernard Iddings Bell Professor of Philosophy and Religion at Bard College, executive director of the Institute of Advanced Theology, and rector of the Church of St. John the Evangelist. His books include: Rabbi Jesus, Rabbi Paul, Mary Magdalene, Abraham's Curse, The Cambridge Companion to the Bible, The Targums (with Paul Flesher), and The Way of Jesus.
R. E. Tully, previously a full professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Toronto, is now professor of philosophy at West Point. He has published many articles on Russell, Wittgenstein and other figures who formed the analytic tradition in British philosophy and is the author, with Frederic Portoraro, of a textbook on symbolic logic (Logic with Symlog).
1. Should We Justify War?
Roger Berkowitz
Bard College
2. Justice and Justifications: War Theory among the Ancient Greeks
Carolyn Dewald
Bard College
3. Religion, Ritual and War in the Late Roman Republic
Robert M. Berchman
Dowling College
4. The Wars of Yahweh: Biblical Views of Just War
Baruch A. Levine
New York University
5. Just War in Classical Judaism
Jacob Neusner
Bard College
6. Christianity in War
Bruce Chilton
Bard College
7. Jihad in Classical Islamic Legal and Moral Thought
Mairaj Syed
Bard College
8. Just War in Buddhism
Kristn Scheible
Bard College
9. Reflections on War and Dharma in Classical Hindiuism
Richard Davis
Bard College
10. Fighting the Good Fight
R. E. Tully
United States Military Academy, West Point
11. Jus ad Bellum and the Islamic Reformation
Mark David Welton
United States Military Academy, West Point
12. Fighting Wars Justly: The Legal and Moral Concerns and Consequences of Private Military and Security Contractors in Modern Armed Conflicts
David A. Wallace
United States Military Academy, West Point
13. The Duty of Moral Diligence: The Responsibility of Soldiers to Determine the Justness of War
Brian Imiola
United States Military Academy, West Point
14. Just War Theory, Choice and Necess ity and Israel’s Resp onses to Genocidal Threats: An Evidence-Based Approach
Elihu D Richter, Yael Stein, Tamar Pileggi
Genocide Prevention Program Hebrew University-Hadassssah School of Public Health and Community Medicine
15. A Anticipation in Walzer’s Just War Theory: The Example of Israel’s 1967 First Strike in the Light of Historical Evidence
Joel Perlmann
Bard College
16. The Matter of Motive: Concluding Thoughts on Just War Theory
William Scott Green
University of Miami