Hamilton Books
Pages: 140
Trim: 6 x 9
978-0-7618-5984-0 • Paperback • December 2012 • $49.99 • (£38.00)
978-0-7618-5985-7 • eBook • December 2012 • $47.50 • (£37.00)
Rabbi Miriam Maron, Ph.D., B.S.N., R.N., M.A., is an author, mentor, spiritual healer in private practice, and teacher of Kabbalistic and Shamanic healing modalities. A prolific singer/songwriter and lecturer, Dr. Maron has nine albums to her credit and continues to teach workshops and seminars across the Americas, Europe, and Israel.
Chapter One: The Moons
Chapter Two: Nee’sahn (March 16-May 8)
Chapter Three: Iyyar (April 10-June 8)
Chapter Four: See’vahn (May 10-July 8)
Chapter Five: Tamuz (June 9-August 6)
Chapter Six: Ahv (July 8-September 5)
Chapter Seven: Elul (August 7-October 2)
Chapter Eight: Tish’ray (September 5-November 3)
Chapter Nine: Chesh’von (October 5-December 2)
Chapter Ten: Kees’lev (November 3-January 2)
Chapter Eleven: Tey’vet (December 2-January 29)
Chapter Twelve: Sh’vaht (January 1-February 28)
Chapter Thirteen: Adar (February 11-March 28)
Chapter Fourteen: Second Adar (March 2-April 8 in Leap Years)
No exaggeration: this book is profound, warm, and easy to read. I learned something new in every single paragraph. Each year I select a book, buy a batch, and give them to my family and friends. No question: this is it!
— Arthur Kurzweil, author of Kabbalah for Dummies and On the Road with Rabbi Steinsaltz
A work of wisdom that takes the reader far beyond the reaches of the Moon into realms of deeper understanding about the archetypes that live and act within each of us. I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to deepen their connection with self, Earth, and Spirit.
— Rabbi Zalman M. Schachter-Shalomi, D.H.L., Professor Emeritus of Religion, Temple University
Blends clinical experience with mystery wisdom and takes you on a journey that heals the soul.
— Carl Hammerschlag, M.D., author of The Dancing Healers
A sophisticated shamanic Hebraic understanding of the subtle, living system of Hebrew astrology. . . . This book is a shamanic jewel that is well worth reading.
— Gabriel Cousens, M.D., author of Torah as a Guide to Enlightenment
Finally, a book you will want to refer to again and again for practical guidance and insight as you walk the gauntlet of your life journey.
— Rabbi Gershon Winkler, Ph.D., author of Magic of the Ordinary