University Press of America
Pages: 198
Trim: 6⅜ x 9⅜
978-0-7618-5956-7 • Hardback • September 2012 • $94.00 • (£72.00)
978-0-7618-5962-8 • Paperback • September 2012 • $49.99 • (£38.00)
978-0-7618-5957-4 • eBook • September 2012 • $47.50 • (£37.00)
David B. Stein, Ph.D., is a professor of criminal justice at Virginia State University and a former professor of psychology at Longwood University, Virginia. He is a bestselling author and has won numerous national and international awards for his writing and research. He is recognized for innovations in developing a cognitive/behavioral diagnostic system, an integrated model for psychology, and drug-free treatments for children and teenagers.
I was not the same after reading this book. It convinced me of the need for change and reform in my profession as a clinical psychologist. This book will dispel much of the diet of myths mental health professionals are fed in their training. Dr. Stein not only offers new concepts and ideas, but an entirely new Zeitgeist that I believe can lead psychology in a far more fruitful direction.
— Robert Foltz, Psy.D.
Dr. Stein in this and his other writing has taught me that much of the assumptions in the psychology business are erroneous and mythical. He is one of the clearest thinkers that I have ever been blessed to meet. This book goes farther and deeper than he has ever gone before.
— DuBose Ravenel, M.D.
I have learned so much from Dr. Stein in his previous writings that I now incorporate into my clinical practice, my teaching, and my writings. This book shook me to my core and after reading it, I can never go back. The reader will never be the same after this book. . . . This is a must read for all mental health professionals.
— Dathan Paterno, Ph.D.