University Press of America
Pages: 108
978-0-7618-5828-7 • eBook • March 2012 • $34.00 • (£25.00)
Peter B. Heller is the product of French, British, and American education at the secondary and advanced levels. He has had a diversified work experience in the cultural, publishing, and academic fields. He is currently a professor of government and politics at Manhattan College in Riverdale, New York, and has held adjunct positions at other universities.
1. Community Cannery and Poultry Breeding, Turkey
2. Water for the Village of Magyikwan, Burma (Myanmar)
3. Barrio Imas Prostitute Rehabilitation, Costa Rica
4. Lake Victoria-Mara Windmills, Tanzania
5. Salawe Pump, Tanzania
6. Single Side Band Radio Communication System, Papua New Guinea
7. Sugar Syrup Technology, Ghana
8. Textile Visual Materials, Ghana and Sudan
9. Tetanus Vaccination
10. The Baby Killer: Formula Milk
11. Papa China (Taro) Project, Colombia
12. Communicating with Pictures, Nepal
Conclusion: Case Studies Overview
About the Author