University Press of America
Pages: 238
Trim: 6 x 9¼
978-0-7618-5490-6 • Paperback • December 2011 • $51.99 • (£40.00)
Wayne Cristaudo is the director of European studies at the University of Hong Kong. He has written and edited a dozen books, including Great Ideas in the Western Literary Canon (with Peter Poiana) and Power, Love and Evil: Contribution to a Philosophy of the Damaged. He is also the author of two forthcoming books: Religion, Redemption, and Revolution and A Philosophical History of Love.
Heung-wah Wong, Ph.D., is a cultural anthropologist and associate professor of Japanese studies at the University of Hong Kong. He has written numerous articles in leading scholarly journals and is the author and editor of a number of books, including the highly acclaimed Japanese Bosses, Chinese Workers. Wong is the series editor of Culture, Society, and Business in East Asia and the co-editor of St. Augustine: His Relevance and Legacy (with Wayne Cristaudo). His focuses lie in business, the pornographic culture in Asia, and creative industries in Asia.
Heung-wah Wong
Wayne Cristaudo
1Faith and Reflexivity: Reflections on Language
and the “Semiotic Turn”
Christopher Hutton
2The Destructive Potential of the God of Reason (Reimarus)
Englehard Weigl
3The Material God in Diderot’s D’Alembert’s Dream
Miran Bozovic
4Anthropologist of Enlightenment: Purity, Pollution,
and Forbidden Mixtures in Hamann’s Metacriticism
Peter J. Leithart
5Hegel on Kant, Fichte, Jacobi:
Being Reasonable about Faith and Knowledge
Wayne Cristaudo
6Beyond Paradox:
Faith and Reason in the Thought of Søren Kierkegaard
Murray Rae
7Nature, Nurture and Nietzsche’s Faith in Life
Nalin Ranasinghe
8Reason and Faith:
A Comparison of Immanuel Kant and Albert Schweitzer
Predrag Cicovacki
9Faith and Reason: Shestov and Gilson
Mathew Del Nevo
10Karl Barth: Reason Beyond Autonomy?
Phillip Tolliday
11Consciousness and Transcendence:
Voegelin and Lonergan on the Reasonableness of Faith
Glenn Hughes
12Reason and Violence in Girard’s Mimetic Theory:
The Anthropology of the Cross
Robert Hamerton-Kelly
13The Spirit Has Reasons That Rationalists Cannot Fathom:
The Emergence of Christian Dao-ology
in Late Twentieth Century China
Lauren Pfister