University Press of America
Pages: 430
Trim: 6¼ x 9⅛
978-0-7618-5269-8 • Paperback • June 2011 • $74.99 • (£58.00)
978-0-7618-5270-4 • eBook • January 2010 • $71.00 • (£55.00)
Juan Naya, Ph.D, MBA, is chairman and founder of the Servetus International Society. He has degrees from the University of Barcelona, University Paul Sabatier (Toulouse), IESE (Barcelona) and Columbia University (New York). He was a research scientist in gamma-ray astronomy at CESR Toulouse and NASA and published numerous scientific articles in specialized publications such as Nature. Currently, Naya works as a consultant at McKinsey & Company and is general manager at ISDIN, a specialized pharmaceutical company. Marian Hillar, M.D., Ph.D., is president of the Servetus International Society and director of the Center for Philosophy and Socinian Studies at Texas Southern University, Houston. Hillar earned degrees at the University Medical School of Danzig and studied at the Jagiellonian University and at Sorbonne. He researched and taught at the University Medical School of Danzig, the Università degli studi di Camerino, the Baylor College of Medicine, and the Ponce School of Medicine. A professor of philosophy/religious studies and biochemistry, Hillar is the author of two books about Servetus and co-translated Servetus' Christianismi restitutio into English.
Chapter 1 Acknowledgments
Chapter 2 Introduction
Chapter 3 Michael Servetus Biography
Part 4 International Servetus Congress (ISC)
Chapter 5 1. Elaine Cristine Sartorelli (São Paulo, Brazil) Strategies of Construction and Legitimization of an Ethos of True Christian in the Restitutio by Servetus
Chapter 6 2. Robert E. Miles (Richland, WA, USA) Restoration of Christianity and Errors of the Trinity
Chapter 7 3. Gabriel Sánchez Velázquez (México D.F., México) Servetus and the Unity of God
Chapter 8 4. Ángel Alcalá (City University of New York, NY, USA) The Rational Limit of the Supernatural Order: The Servetian Response to the Conflict between Reason and Faith
Chapter 9 5. Bogdan Dembinski (Bytom, Poland) Migues Servet and Ancient Philosophy
Chapter 10 6. Thanos Christacopoulos (Patras, Greece) From Sacrifice to Science: Servetus between Joseph De Maistre and Francis Bacon
Chapter 11 7. Ana Pilar Esteve Fernández (Baleares, Pto. Alcudia, Spain) Irrationalism in the Heart of Science
Chapter 12 8. Hittjo H. Kruyswijk (Netherlands) Heart and Soul. Michael Servetus: A Cardiologist's View
Chapter 13 9. Willem van Hoorn (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands) Servet and the Non-Discovery of the Lesser Circulation
Chapter 14 10. Rafael Bermudo del Pino (University of Sevilla, Spain) Principles of Natural Reality According to Michael Servetus
Chapter 15 11. Ángel Alcalá (City University of New York, NY, USA) What Remains as the Servetus Heritage: Conclusions from my Life in Touch with his Writings
Chapter 16 12. Andrew M.T. Dibb (Bryn Athyn, PA, USA and South Africa) Servetus, Swedenborg, and the Nature of Salvation
Chapter 17 13. Neil L. Inglis (Bethesda, MD, USA) Parallelisms and how they shed Light on the Study of the Reformation
Chapter 18 14. Robert D. Miles (Richland, WA, USA) Turning Points in the History of Protestant Christianity
Chapter 19 15. Jean-Claude Barbier (Gradignan, France) The Access to Universal at the Unitarian Movement
Chapter 20 16. Per Lundblad (Järfälla, Sweden) Universal Religion of Peace: To the Legacy of Migues Servet in the 21st Century
Chapter 21 17. Maria d'Arienzo (Università di Napoli "Federico II", Napoli, Italia) Current and Historical Relevance of Debate upon Relationship between Freedom and Institutions
Chapter 22 18. Marian Hillar (Houston, USA) Why the Memory of Servetus should be Kept Alive: An Historical Perspective
Chapter 23 19. Jesús López-Medel (Madrid, Spain) Law, Justice, Love and Tolerance in the Writings of Servetus
Chapter 24 20. Daniel Moreno Moreno (Zaragoza, Spain) Reflections on the Dialogue to the Death between Servetus and Calvin
Chapter 25 21. Valentine Zuber (Geneva, Switzerland) The Fortunes of Michel Servet in the Contemporary Period: The History of Three Consecutive Commemorations: 1903, 1953 and 2003
Chapter 26 Biographical Notes of Contributors
Chapter 27 News about the Congress
Chapter 28 Photo Gallery
…Servetus…seen through the eyes of today's world experts…a modern, in-depth collection of writings that deconstructs the multidimensional facets of this incredible, wise, Renaissance man.
— Angel Alcalá PhD, professor emeritus, Brooklyn College, New York
…Very inspiring and refreshing for people with a broad mind who want to know more about people who challenged conventional wisdom.
— Willem Van Hoorn M.D., professor, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, honorary professor, University of Cape Town, South Africa
…An occasion for an expanded reflection on the pluralism of the western Christian world within the context of globalization of our societies and confrontation with other religions…masterly gathered in this seminal book.
— Valentine Zuber Ph.D, Historian and Lecturer, La Sorbonne, Paris
…In a class by itself…Michael Servetus, Heartfelt provides us with a clear view of the moral integrity, tolerance of ideas, and passion for truth of this amazing man. All these are values…which bring Servetus back to life through his legacy.
— Marian Hillar, M.D., Ph.D., professor at Texas Southern University, Houston