University Press of America
Pages: 230
Trim: 6 x 9¼
978-0-7618-4602-4 • Paperback • October 2009 • $53.99 • (£42.00)
978-0-7618-4603-1 • eBook • August 2009 • $51.00 • (£39.00)
Forrest Redd has degrees from Southern Illinois University and Western Illinois University. While in the Army Reserves, he served in Operation Desert Storm and Operation Joint Guard. As a concerned citizen who loves his country and is frustrated with the direction America was headed, Redd acquired a powerful desire to write this 'letter to America.'
Chapter 1 Acknowledgements
Chapter 2 Introduction
Chapter 3 1. A Four Letter Word Which Starts With B
Chapter 4 2. Fail to the Chief
Chapter 5 3. Axis of Evil
Chapter 6 4. Back to Larson
Chapter 7 5. No Saint John
Chapter 8 6. Comparatively Speaking
Chapter 9 7. The Compassionate Conservative and the Tree-Hugging Liberal
Chapter 10 8. Boneheaded America
Chapter 11 9. The Perfect Scapegoat
Chapter 12 10. More of the Scapegoat
Chapter 13 11. Bush Backers Undermine America
Chapter 14 12. The Religious Right and the Speed of Light
Chapter 15 Epilogue
Chapter 16 Index
Truly a historically accurate blockbuster of fact which will enlighten those who read it.
— David Pearce, United States Navy, Iraq War Veteran, VFA 105
A compelling read…[Redd] throws light into the dark corners of the abuse of power with an urgent argument for bringing the guilty to justice.
— Hugh Moore; Host Of The Fly Over Zone, WQNA Radio, Springfield, Illinois
From a business and economic standpoint, Blood on Their Hands colorfully depicts the toxic corruption inside the Bush White House. An eye-opener . . .
— Sue Ellen Kunz, MBA
A factual, timeless, and emotionally-moving page-turner which will live on from election to election…Blood on Their Hands will inspire countless readers who may sincerely believe that their voices go unheard. Describing the dark cloud which beset America during the George W. Bush administration, [Redd] has given us the only book ever written which combines politics, quantum physics, cosmology, and spirituality.
— Henry Holmes, Literary Agent, Literary Market Place, and Marquis Who's Who in Media & Communications
A genuinely authentic and masterful work which eloquently captures the American psyche. A must read for all Americans, this book reveals the fundamental explanation as to how George W. Bush and Company capitalized on the ignorance of many.
— Ramona Kennedy, NCAC, MA