University Press of America
Pages: 340
Trim: 6 x 9
978-0-7618-4411-2 • Paperback • December 2008 • $77.99 • (£60.00)
Hiromi Otaka has been teaching Phonetics and Phonology at the graduate school of Language, Culture, and Communication, Kwansei Gakuin University, Nishinomiya, Japan since 2001.
Chapter 1: Introduction: An Overview of Past Studies of Moras, Feet, and Geminate Consonants in Japanese
Chapter 2: An exploration of the psychological reality of isochrony in Japanese rhythm
Chapter 3: The phonological reality of the bimoraic foot and its influence on pre-nasal shortening in Japanese
Chapter 4: Effects of the bimoraic foot on Japanese perception of rhymes from Japanese and English sequences
Chapter 5: An acoustic investigation of Q duration in Japanese
Chapter 6: An acoustic investigation of RDV in relation to vowel height and of the importance of VOT in determining geminate consonant duration in Japanese
Chapter 7: An investigation of the occurence of geminate consonants in English loanwords in Japanese
Chapter 8: An acoustic investigation of Japanese geminate consonant perception from English loanword (C)VC(V)(C) sequences
Chapter 9: The effect of speaking rate on Japanese geminate consonant perception from Japanese CVCV and English CVC sequences
Chapter 10: A comparative study of geminate consonants in Japanese and Italian
Chapter 11: Structure and interpretation of Japanese rhythm
Chapter 12: The geminicity of the nasal sequence [nn] in Japanese
Chapter 13: A study of consonant gemination in Japanese compound words composed of Sino-Japanese disyllabic morphemes
Chapter 14: The bilabialization of /h/ preceded by N in Japanese counting words beginning with /h/