Hamilton Books
Pages: 66
Trim: 6⅛ x 9
978-0-7618-3831-9 • Paperback • October 2007 • $36.99 • (£30.00)
Until he was ten years old, Dr. Ignacio Palacios grew up a native Spanish speaker in Monterrey, Mexico. However, his family's immigration to the United States in the late 1960's has made him an American, with English as his dominant language. He has his Ph.D. in English, with a concentration in Rhetoric and Linguistics from Indiana University of Pennsylvania (2001) and an MA in English as a Second Language from the University of Texas-Pan American (1988). Dr. Palacios currently teaches courses in TESOL, linguistics, literature and composition, and Spanish. In addition to their academic work, he and his wife Cynthia are both involved in Spanish church work.
Part 1 Foreword
Part 2 Introduction
Chapter 3 The Imperfect Seven
Chapter 4 Scholars' View
Chapter 5 Childhood in Mexico
Chapter 6 Just What is Literacy?
Chapter 7 Immigration to the U.S.
Chapter 8 Acculturation in America
Chapter 9 Metamorphosis
Chapter 10 Current Literacies
Chapter 11 The View From Here
Part 12 Appendix: Immigrant Children at Ellis' Door
Part 13 Works Consulted and Cited
More than a contribution to the now-established genre of immigrant autobiography, this work presents socially-situated episodes that enable the author to reflect on the struggles to preserve one language and emerge in another… Ignacio's voice invites us to see and hear his world. His way with words and deeds and things, expressed in the multiple genres of narrative, exposition, and poetry, allows the reader to understand the coming into being of his identity, the struggle through rejection, to community, a life among multiple cultures, literacies, and people.
— Dr. Dan Tannacito, Indiana University of Pennsylvania