University Press of America
Pages: 158
Trim: 6 x 9
978-0-7618-3810-4 • Paperback • June 2007 • $49.99 • (£38.00)
Dalia Hoshen is Jerusalem born. She earned a Ph.D. in both Talmud (1989) and Hebrew Literature (2001) from Bar Ilan University. Dedicating her time to research, she wrote various papers in both fields. She continues to teach at universities and colleges in Israel and the United Kingdom. She is also the author of Agnon: A Saga is (not) a Talmudic Sugia and Tractate of the Hidden Face.
Part 1 Preface
Chapter 2 Introduction
Chapter 3 Introduction to a Talmudic Theory of Status
Chapter 4 Beruria and the Theological Theory of Torah
Chapter 5 The Teachings of Beruria the Tannait
Chapter 6 The Post-Talmudic Beruria and Talmudic Culture: "The Beruria Incident"
Chapter 7 The Talmudic Story of Beruria in Context
Part 8 List of Abbreviations
Part 9 Bibliography
Part 10 Index
Dr. Dalia Hoshen has presented us with a delightful, refreshing and totally original study. It is a meticulously researched, deeply analyzed examination of the whole corpus of Beruria testimonia. While rejecting the feminist approaches she gives a penetratingly convincing philosophical-theological interpretation, revealing a unique doctrine of a unique female scholar of second century Palestine.
— Rabbi Prof. Daniel Sperber, President of Institute for Advanced Torah studies, Bar-Ilan University