Hamilton Books
Pages: 296
Trim: 7 x 9
978-0-7618-3174-7 • Paperback • May 2005 • $69.99 • (£54.00)
Francis Gross is Professor Emeritus of Comparative Religion, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo. Gross, who was a member of the Jesuit Order for twenty years prior to his marriage, is also author of The Making of a Mystic (Seasons in the Life of Teresa of Avila) and Days with Uncle God-Momma.
Chapter 1 Part One: Mark's Gospel
Chapter 2 Part Two: John's Gospel
Chapter 3 Part Three: Matthew's Gospel
Chapter 4 Part Four: Luke's Gospel
Chapter 5 Part Five: References You Might Find Useful to Read, See, or Hear: Listed According to Gospel Theme (Confer Index)
Chapter 6 Index
Chapter 7 About the Author
Honest and moving... anyone who loves the scriptures will find new meaning in this book of personal observation and reflection on the gospels. Reading this book will give you a deeper understanding of who Jesus is and who you are, as a follower and believer.
— Janaan Manternach, author of This is our Faith
Francis Gross...allows readers a glimpse...of his own understanding [and] feats of associations [which] are full of reminiscence and enthusiasm; they are wide-ranging...a friendly book, but not a lackadaisical one.
— Philip C. Fischer; Review For Religious
Gross peels away the layers of conventional piety and pedestrian respectability that deaden the impact of the gospels. He reveals the Jesus story for what it is, a down to earth, blue collar message that speaks to the deepest longings of the human heart.
— Rev. James DiGiacomo, S.J., veteran religious educator, speaker, and writer