University Press of America
Pages: 248
Trim: 6⅛ x 9¼
978-0-7618-1945-5 • Hardback • March 2001 • $96.00 • (£74.00)
Johanna C. Prins is a Lecturer in Dutch Language and Literature at Columbia University.
Bettina Brandt teaches in the Department of Germanic Languages at Columbia University.
Timothy Stevens teaches in the Department of English at CUNY.
Thomas F. Shannon is the Director of the UC Education Abroad Center, Germany.
Chapter 1 Acknowledgments
Chapter 2 Preface
Chapter 3 Introduction
Chapter 4 Reflections on Literary History and Netherlandic Cultural Identity in the Medieval Period
Chapter 5 Swannekens Ende Wilden: Linguistic Attitudes and Communication Strategies Among the Dutch and Indians in New Netherland
Chapter 6 Rediscovering the Eighteenth Century, Rediscovering Early Discoveries: André Brink's Novel On the Contrary
Chapter 7 Down and Out in Rotterdam in 1700: Aspects and Functions of Poor Relief in a Dutch Town
Chapter 8 On the Vocabulary of the Dutch in Their Seventeenth-Century South American Colonies
Chapter 9 Reality and Fiction: J. Slauerhoff's Het verboden rijk and Edward Said's Orientalism
Chapter 10 Atheism in the Early Dutch Enlightenment
Chapter 11 The Portrait of Cornelis Steenwyck and Dutch Colonial Experience in America
Chapter 12 Seen and Unseen in the Visual Culture of Trade: The Conquest of Pepper
Chapter 13 Worlds in Discourse in F. Springer's Novels
Chapter 14 Wie het kleine niet eert: Intonation and the Pragmatics of Dutch Final Particles
Chapter 15 Welkdom Yankeee Bevrijders: Soldiers and Civilians during the Liberation of the Netherlands 1944-1945
Chapter 16 Poetry and All that Jazz: The Composed Improvisation of J. Bernlef
Chapter 17 E.J. Potgieter's and Conrad Busken Huet's Views of the United States
Chapter 18 Masters and Slaves: Europeans Encountering Africans in Recent Historical Novels about Early White Settlement in Southern Africa
Chapter 19 From Westbork to Auschwitz: The Function of Travel in the Diaries of Etty Hillesum
Chapter 20 "The Downtrodden Christ in Each and Every One of Us:" Metaphysical Aspirations in Paul van Ostaijen's Poetry and Poetics
Chapter 21 Leipoldt and the Orient: A Reading of C.L. Leipoldt's Travel Writing in the Context of Orientalist Discourse
Chapter 22 Dutch "Discovery" of the East during the Late Middle Ages
These essays present an impressive array of approaches to the history of Dutch interactions with, colonization and understanding of other cultures.
— Stephanie S. Dickey, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis; Historians Of Netherlandish Art
These essays present an impressive array of approaches to the history of Dutch interactions with, colonization and understanding of other cultures.
— Stephanie S. Dickey, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis; Historians Of Netherlandish Art