Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 192
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-0-7591-2421-9 • Hardback • October 2013 • $119.00 • (£92.00)
978-0-7591-2422-6 • eBook • October 2013 • $113.00 • (£87.00)
Erin B. Taylor is an Australian anthropologist who received her PhD from The University of Sydney in 2009. She lectured there for three years before taking up a research fellowship at The University of Lisbon. During this time, she helped found the popular anthropology website PopAnth: Hot Buttered Humanity.
Introduction: The Wealth of Poverty
Chapter One. More than Artifacts: The Materiality of Poverty
Chapter Two. Building Futures: Squatting as an Enabling Constraint
Chapter Three. Too Big to Ignore: The State and the Persistence of Squatting
Chapter Four. ¡Crisis is Coming! Material Manifestations of Immaterial Ends
Chapter Five. Moving Places: Barrios as Barometers of National Progress
Chapter Six. Flexible Identities: Negotiating Values Through Material Forms
What is poverty? In answer, we need more than statistics, we need to understand what is experienced as poverty. Through scholarly and incredibly rich ethnography Taylor shows the consequence of appreciating that it is the poor rather than the rich whose experience is dominated by materiality. Materializing Poverty is an account that respects both the creativity and the constraints that may accompany poverty. People from all disciplines would be better educated in this essential issue by reading this empathetic engagement which goes beyond the meaning of poverty to how the poor create meaning.
— Daniel Miller, University College London
From its brilliant introduction to its final word, Materializing Poverty evokes the struggle and also the triumph of La Ciénaga where the intimate materialities of life are used to interpret the experience of being poor. Its account of the polyvalent way in which material forms are deployed in an urban barrio provides a new and provocative understanding of inequality in both a national and an international perspective. I feel confident that in the years to come this landmark ethnography will become a standard reference on poverty both within and beyond the Caribbean.
— Diane Austin-Broos, Professor Emerita of Anthropology, University of Sydney