Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 380
Trim: 6½ x 9¼
978-0-7591-2410-3 • Hardback • July 2014 • $116.00 • (£89.00)
978-0-7591-2411-0 • eBook • July 2014 • $110.00 • (£85.00)
Joni Boyd Acuff is assistant professor of art education at the Ohio State University.
Laura Evans is assistant professor of art history and art education and the director of the Art Museum Education Certificate at the University of North Texas.
List of Tables
Introduction and Context
Joni Boyd Acuff and Laura Evans
Section 1: Museum Educators as Change Agents
Chapter 1: “Stuck” is where you need to pay attention: Some barriers to creating truly inclusive art museums
Marianna Adams and Judy Koke
Chapter 2: Stimulating change through story-telling: Art museum educators of color share their lived experiences with multicultural issues
Natasha Reid
Chapter 3: Excellence and equity?: A reflection on the diversification of museums
Wendy Ng and Syrus Marcus Ware
Chapter 4: Unheard: Voices of women of color in the museum
Flavia Zuñiga-West
Section 2: Inclusion versus Exclusion
Chapter 5: Collaborating with communities: New conceptualizations of hybridized museum practice
Traci Quinn and Marianna Pegno
Chapter 6: Multiculturalism and the Supported Interpretation (SI) Model: Embracing cultural diversity through inclusive art exhibitions
Pat Villeneuve and Alicia Viera
Chapter 7: Enabling access at the Meadows Museum: An ongoing journey to inclusivity
Allison Davidson and Maria Carmen Smith
Chapter 8: Undisciplined space: Indian craft heritage sites as texts for critical practice
Manisha Sharma
Chapter 9: Class exclusion: Challenges of an art museum trying to connect with its blue collar community
Yuha Jung
Chapter 10: Code switching in the museum: Increasing access for English learners
Sofia Gutierrez and Briley Rasmussen
Section 3: Collaboration with Diverse Audiences
Chapter 11: Feminist art and adolescents in museums: A closer look
Cheri Eileen Ehrlich
Chapter 12: Engaging Latino audiences: Visitor-driven change at The Denver Art Museum
Verónica Betancourt and Madalena Salazar
Chapter 13: “Today I Am Here”: A Smithsonian heritage outreach initiative
Philippa Rappoport
Chapter 14: Community curation as an alternative strategy for interpreting exhibitions: myaamiaki iši meehtoseeniwiciki: How the Miami people live
Cynthia Collins and Vesta Daniel
Section 4: Responsive Pedagogy
Chapter 15: Taking it personally: Coming to know oneself and others through interpretations of art
Terry Barrett
Chapter 16: Thoughtful words: Toward critically multicultural language in art museum interpretive material
Andrea Severin Goins
Chapter 17: Experiencing Indigenous ways of knowing as embodied in a museum
Christine Ballengee-Morris and Patricia Stuhr
Chapter 18: Using Multicultural Critical Reflective Practice in the art museum
Melissa Crum and Keonna Hendrick
Chapter 19: I cannot tell a lie: White privilege in museum education
Melinda M. Mayer
Closing Thoughts
Joni Boyd Acuff and Laura Evans
About the Editors and Contributors
This much-needed text addresses the paucity of information about the strategies museums and museum educators can use to perform multiculturalism. Consistent with the goals and contributions of COMC over the past 40+ years, Acuff and Evans have addressed issues of multiculturalism and diversity that impact museum education using the framework of critical multicultural education theory. They direct us to arguments that reposition multicultural education from a largely theoretical domain to a more practical application that interrogates the construction and complexity of power relations, racialization, nondominate knowledge, and equity. . . . COMC invites you to read and respond to this groundbreaking, seminal text.
— Art Education Journal
In Multiculturalism in Art Museums Today, essays explore how a museum can follow a library’s example and lead the way as a community change agent by collaborating with diverse audiences and using educational programs to reach out to patrons.
— American Libraries
I love this book. Its introduction and essays bridge the gap between academic theory and museum practice and address longstanding challenges in insightful new ways. I anticipate using it in museum studies courses.
— Cynthia Robinson, director of Museum Studies Program, Tufts University
Contributors include: Joni Boyd Acuff, Marianna Adams, Christine Ballengee-Morris, Terry Barrett, Verónica Betancourt, Maria Carmen Smith, Cynthia Collins, Melissa Crum, Vesta Daniel, Allison Davidson, Cheri Eileen Ehrlich, Laura Evans, Andrea Severin Goins, Sofia Gutierrez, Keonna Hendrick, Yuha Jung, Judy Koke, Melinda M. Mayer, Wendy Ng, Marianna Pegno, Traci Quinn, Philippa Rappoport, Briley Rasmussen, Natasha Reid, Madalena Salazar, Manisha Sharma, Patricia Stuhr, Syrus Marcus Ware, Alicia Viera, Pat Villeneuve, and Flavia Zuñiga-West.