Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 258
Trim: 6¼ x 9⅜
978-0-7591-2396-0 • Hardback • March 2015 • $53.00 • (£41.00)
978-0-7591-2397-7 • eBook • March 2015 • $50.00 • (£38.00)
Donald Henson, a British archaeologist deeply committed to public archaeology and education, is author of numerous books including Doing Archaeology (2012). He is honorary lecturer at University College London, was Head of Education for 17 years at the Council for British Archaeology, and holds seasonal academic posts at Bristol, York, and Newcastle, and is now pursuing PhD research into the Mesolithic at York.
2—Long-Settled Islands
3—Two Thousand Years of History
4—Prehistoric Sites and Finds
5—Historic Sites and Finds
6—Major Personalities in Archaeology
7—Controversies and Scandals
8—Current and Recent Research
Epilogue: Finding Out More
Archaeology Hotspot Great Britain is a lively look at the long cultural history of the island on which England, Scotland and Wales reside. . . . I can wholeheartedly recommend the Great Britain volume, and eagerly look forward to additional entries in the series.
— About.Com
Archaeology Hotspot Great Britain by Donald Henson does exactly what its subtitle says: Unearthing the Past for Armchair Archaeologists. Covering a wide-range of topics, it begins with a great overview of finds that offer a view into the area’s past. Another chapter highlights those who have been key in excavating the past. Also included are the chapters 'Controversies and Scandals' and 'Current and Recent Research.'
— DIG Magazine
Resource Guide directs readers to more information on British archaeological sites as well as festivals and opportunities to participate in fieldwork.
Exploration of both well-pondered finds and continuing discoveries (Vindolanda, Stonehenge Riverside, King Richard III)
Positions British archaeology, finds, and personalities within our evolving understanding of human life over the centuries
Complete coverage of Britain's World Heritage Sites
Sites, monuments and finds covering nearly one million years