AltaMira Press
Pages: 196
Trim: 6⅜ x 9⅜
978-0-7591-2186-7 • Hardback • October 2013 • $125.00 • (£96.00)
978-0-7591-2187-4 • Paperback • October 2013 • $52.00 • (£40.00)
978-0-7591-2188-1 • eBook • October 2013 • $49.00 • (£38.00)
Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban is professor emerita of anthropology, Rhode Island College; adjunct professor, Doctoral Program in Education, University of Rhode Island/Rhode Island College; and adjunct professor of African Studies, U.S. Naval War College. In her long career, she has written and edited numerous books and articles, particularly on ethics in Anthropology, Islamic societies, and Sudan.
1. Introduction
2. What Does It Mean to “Do No Harm”?
3. What Does It Mean to Obtain Informed Consent?
4. Transparency and Deception in Anthropological Ethics
5. Moral and Ethical Anthropology
6. Institutional Review Boards, Anthropology, and Ethics
7. Framing Future Debates: Collaborative Anthropology as Twenty-First Century Anthropology
About the Author
Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban has for several decades been in the promotion of anthropological ethics, on which she has published widely. Her latest book on this theme, Ethics and Anthropology, in which she argues that ethics IS anthropology, does not disappoint. She has the capacity to make clear the most complex ideas and all practicing anthropologists, whether teachers, students or others, will find this book invaluable, both theoretically and practically.
— Pat Caplan, Emeritus Professor of Anthropology, Goldsmiths College, University of London
Ethics and Anthropology is a must-read for all students of anthropology, whether they are learning about the discipline for the first time or working as seasoned practitioners. As Fluehr-Lobban points out, ethical considerations are no longer background, taken-for-granted aspects of anthropological work; ethics are now at the core of anthropological practice across multiple fields and domains. Doing anthropology today thus requires a deep understanding of how anthropology and ethics work in concert in both theory and practice. Drawing from a four-field approach and providing practical examples throughout, Fluehr-Lobban offers a roadmap for engagement that is both accessible and inspiring. It's an invaluable work.
— Luke Eric Lassiter, Marshall University
Ethics and Anthropology is the leading work on ethics in Anthropology while also informing other disciplines and endeavors that entail fieldwork and practice globally. The author has thoroughly and lucidly researched work and issues since the beginnings of anthropological fieldwork to current controversies. She cogently tackles debates, offering informed analysis while not pulling punches. Her own impressive fieldwork and practice grounds analysis. Students, professionals, and informed commentators will learn much from this book.
— James L. Peacock III, author, The Anthropological Lens; University of North Carolina; former president, American Anthropological Association; and chair, Committee formulating the 1998 AAA code of ethics
Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban has been in the forefront of anthropological ethics for a long time, and she summarizes what she has written and learned along the way in her new book. As she states in her introduction, there are several 'guiding principles' of any practicable standards of ethics in anthropology. . . . After surveying ethical practices and statements from other disciplines like psychology, sociology, and political science, much of the book consists of deeper explorations of some of these core principles. ... It is important, indeed essential, to have these kinds of discussions about ethics and methods.
— Anthropology Review Database
Most up-to-date and comprehensive assessment since the 2012 AAA Code of Ethics
Written for students and all anthropologists by senior scholar noted for ethics expertise
Covers anthropology's four fields
Provides numerous cross-disciplinary and international examples
Offers discussion questions