AltaMira Press
Pages: 342
Trim: 6¾ x 9½
978-0-7591-2061-7 • Hardback • September 2011 • $152.00 • (£117.00)
978-0-7591-2063-1 • eBook • October 2011 • $144.00 • (£111.00)
Walter E. Little is associate professor of Anthropology at the University at Albany, SUNY, and director of the Ethnographic Field School in Guatemala. He is the author of Mayas in the Marketplace and co-author of Mayas in Postwar Guatemala.
Patricia A. McAnany is Kenan Eminent Professor of Anthropology at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. She is the author of Ancestral Maya Economies in Archaeological Perspective and Living with the Ancestors: Kinship and Kingship in Ancient Maya Society.
Part I. Creativity and Value
Chapter 1. Exchange without Brokers: Weaver-Client Relationships in Senegal
Laura L. Cochrane
Chapter 2. Heritage and Authorship Debates in Three Sumatran Songkets
Susan Rodgers
Chapter 3. Creativity, Place, and Commodities: The Making of Public Economies in Andean Apparel Industries
Rudi Colloredo-Mansfeld, Jason Antrosio, and Eric C. Jones
Chapter 4. Tivaivai and Value in the Cook Islands Ritual Economy: The Creation of Value, Values, and Valuables in a Diasporic Community
Jane Horan
Chapter 5. The Political Economy of an Art Form: The Akotifahana Cloth of Madagascar
Sarah Fee
Part II. The Power of Cloth and the Sanctity of Power
Chapter 6. Textiles and Chimu Identity under Inka Hegemony on the North Coast of Peru
Cathy Lynne Costin
Chapter 7. Late Classic Maya Textile Economies: An Object History Approach
Christina T. Halperin
Chapter 8. Hohokam Cotton: Irrigation, Production, and Trade in Perhistory
Robert C. Hunt
Chapter 9. Neighborly Ties and Sohbet: Global Capitalism and the Work of Weaving in Konya, Turkey
Damla Isik
Chapter 10. Sanctity, Social Distance, and the Price of Cloth in a Moroccan Suq
John A. Napora
Part III. (Re)invented Traditions in Transnational Context
Chapter 11. Good Hands: Silk Weaving and Transnational Artisan Partnerships in Cambodia
Susan Falls and Jessica Smith
Chapter 12. Recommunitizing Practice, Refashionizing Capital: Artisans and Entrepreneurship in a Philippine Textile Industry
B. Lynne Milgram
Chapter 13. The Decline of a Weaving Cooperative in Western Turkey
Kimberly Hart
Chapter 14. Made in Italy: Metaphors for Merchandising Textiles in a Global Economy
Joan Weibel-Orlando
Chapter 15. Creating Fame and Fortune from the Ruins of Handloom in Kerala, Southern IndiaLucy Norris