AltaMira Press
Pages: 288
Trim: 6¼ x 9¼
978-0-7591-0365-8 • Hardback • January 2004 • $129.00 • (£99.00)
978-0-7591-0366-5 • Paperback • December 2003 • $48.00 • (£37.00)
978-0-7591-1588-0 • eBook • January 2004 • $45.50 • (£35.00)
Dr. Sherene Suchy is a specialist in individual and organisational change. With over twenty-five years experience in human resource development, she currently manages a private practice in Canberra, Australia. The practice focuses on change management consulting, leadership coaching, research, and writing. Dr. Suchy was an Adjunct Lecturer for over ten years with the School of Management at the University of Technology Sydney and an inter-cultural coach for over fifteen years. Publications include numerous conference papers, journal articles, and a chapter in 'Museum Philosophy for the 21st Century,' edited by Hugh Genoways, available through AltaMira Press.
Chapter 1: Catalysts for Change
Chapter 2: Passion: Representing the Organization
Chapter 3: Context: Creating a Place
Chapter 4: Entrepreneurism: Selling Integrity
Chapter 5: Trust: The Director/Trustee Interface
Chapter 6: Realigning: Past and Present Leadership Requirements
Chapter 7: Action: Principles into Practice
About the Author
Leading with Passion is a wonderfully insightful look at what is required to be the successful leader of an art museum—and by extension, a successful manager in general. Dr. Suchy has collected an enormous amount of complex detail, which she analyzes with elegance and precision. Even if you were never interested in museum management, you will find this an inspiring and informative human document.
— Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Dr. Suchy weaves a Renaissance tapestry of flow, social capital, emotional intelligence, and entrepreneurism in helping us see and understand museum leadership. Beyond museum directors and trustees, these insights are applicable to other not-for-profits, service, and public sector organizations, as well as most companies.
— Richard E. Boyatzis, Professor and Chair of Organizational Behavior at the Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University
Dr. Suchy's analysis of the conditions for dynamic leadership in today's museums is of the greatest relevance to any current or prospective museum directors. She combines practical and theoretical aspects of organizational psychology and management theory with lessons learned from observation and experience. Filled with original insights, Leading with Passion should be required reading for museum directors and trustees alike.
— James Cuno, Courtauld Institute of Art, London