AltaMira Press
Pages: 408
Trim: 7¼ x 9¼
978-0-7591-0510-2 • Hardback • September 2004 • $145.00 • (£112.00)
978-0-7591-0511-9 • Paperback • September 2004 • $69.00 • (£53.00)
978-0-7591-1533-0 • eBook • September 2004 • $65.50 • (£50.00)
Arachu Castro is Assistant Professor of Social Medicine in the Department of Social Medicine at Harvard Medical School in Boston and Director of the Institute for Health and Social Justice at Partners in Health. She has taught at the University of Barcelona and the National School of Public Health in Spain, at the National University at Cordoba, Argentina, and at the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Havana, Cuba. Merrill Singer is Associate Director and Chief of Research at the Hispanic Health Council in Hartford, Connecticut, as well as Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of Connecticut Medical School and a member of the Executive Committee of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research on AIDS at the Yale University School of Public Health.
Chapter 1 Introduction. Anthropology and Health Policy: A Critical Perspective
Chapter 2
Chapter I. International Institutions and the Setting of Health Policies
Chapter 3 1. Pearls of the Antilles? Public Health in Haiti and Cuba
Chapter 4 2. The Visible Fist of the Market: Health Reforms in Latin America
Chapter 5 3. International NGOs in the Mozambique Health Sector: The Velvet Glove of Privatization
Chapter 6 4. Primary Health Care since Alma Ata: Lost in the Bretton Woods?
Chapter 7 5. Shifting Policies Towards Traditional Midwives: Implications for Reproductive Health Care in Pakistan
Chapter 8 6. The Contradictions of a Revolving Drug Fund in Post-Soviet Tajikistan: Selling Medicines to Starving Patients
Chapter 9 7. Equity in Access to AIDS Treatment in Africa: Pitfalls amongst Achievements
Chapter 10 8. Contracepting at Childbirth: The Integration of Reproductive Health and Population Policies in Mexico
Chapter 11 9. How Healthy are Health and Population Policies? The Indian Experience
Chapter 12
Chapter II. National Health Policies and Social Exclusion
Chapter 13 10. Happy Children with AIDS: The Paradox of a Healthy National Program in an Unequal and Exclusionary Brazil
Chapter 14 11. Between Risk and Confession: The Popularization of Syphilis Prophylaxis in Revolutionary Mexico
Chapter 15 12. Saving Lives, Destroying Livelihoods: Emergency Evacuation and Resettlement Policies in Ecuador
Chapter 16 13. Social Illegitimacy as a Foundation of Health Inequality: How the Political Treatment of Immigrants Illuminates a French Paradox
Chapter 17 14. The Indian Health Transfer Policy in Canada: Toward Self-Determination or Cost Containment?
Chapter 18 15. Land and Rural New Mexican Hispanics' Mistrust of Federal Programs: The Unintended Consequences of Medicaid Eligibility Rules
Chapter 19 16. The Death and Resurrection of Medicaid Managed Care for Mental Health Services in New Mexico
Chapter 20 17. Sugar Blues: A Social Anatomy of the Diabetes Epidemic in the United States
Chapter 21 18. Syringe Access, HIV Risk, and AIDS in Massachusetts and Connecticut: The Health Implications of Public Policy
Chapter 22 19. Why it is Easier to Get Drugs than Drug Treatment in the United States?
Chapter 23 20. U.S. Inner City Apartheid and the War on Drugs: Crack among Homeless Heroin Addicts
Chapter 24
Chapter III. Impact of Policy on the Practice of Medicine
Chapter 25 21. United States Health Policy on Alternative Medicine: A Case Study in the Co-optation of a Popular Movement
Chapter 26 22. Home Birth Emergencies in the United States: The Trouble with Transport
Chapter 27 23. Why Is Prevention Not the Focus for Breast Cancer Policy in the Unites States Rather than High-Tech Medical Solutions?
Chapter 28 Index
This collection is an important addition to several relatively recent and highly critical assessments of contemporary development efforts. . . . Recommended. Graduate students/faculty/professionals.....
• Winner, 2005 Rudolf Virchow Award