AltaMira Press / National Center on Nonprofit Enterprise
Pages: 454
Trim: 6½ x 9⅜
978-0-7591-0988-9 • Hardback • September 2006 • $154.00 • (£119.00)
978-0-7591-0989-6 • Paperback • September 2006 • $79.00 • (£61.00)
978-0-7591-1412-8 • eBook • September 2006 • $75.00 • (£58.00)
Dennis R. Young is Bernard B. and Eugenia A. Ramsey Professor of Private Enterprise, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University and president of the National Center on Nonprofit Enterprise.
Chapter 1 Preface
Chapter 2 Foreword
Chapter 3 I. Why Study Nonprofit Finance?
Chapter 4 1. Why Study Nonprofit Finance?
Chapter 5 II. Sources of Support for Operations
Chapter 6 2. Individual Giving
Chapter 7 3. Institutional Philanthropy
Chapter 8 4. Government Funding of Nonprofit Organizations
Chapter 9 5. Fee Income and Commercial Ventures
Chapter 10 6. Membership Income
Chapter 11 7. Investment Income
Chapter 12 8. Volunteer Resources
Chapter 13 III. Sources of Capital
Chapter 14 9. Collaboration and Barter
Chapter 15 10. Gifts-in-Kind and Other Illiquid Assets
Chapter 16 11. Borrowing and Debt
Chapter 17 IV. Income and Asset Portfolios, and Financial Health
Chapter 18 12. Managing Endowments and Other Assets
Chapter 19 13. Income Portfolios
Chapter 20 14. Financial Health
Chapter 21 V. Towards a Normative Theory of Nonprofit Finance
Chapter 22 15. Towards a Normative Theory of Nonprofit Finance
This is a most important and illuminating book about the very complex subject of nonprofit organizations' resources. The book provides an excellent guide to the subject: It deals thoroughly with the different types of resources?financial and non-financial, each of them separately and all of them as a whole. It makes a strong case for diversification of organizational resources but not at all costs and not in all cases. Finally, it links the issue of obtaining resources to the issue of organizational strategic planning, where it belongs. This is a 'must read' for nonprofit managers, researchers, and policy-makers...
— Benjamin Gidron
This book is a 'must-read' for all those interested in the nonprofit sector. Dennis Young has assembled an exceptional group of experts who expand our understanding of nonprofit finance.....
— Diana Aviv
Financing Nonprofits combines elegant academic analyses of various financial issues, such as managing endowments, with practical examples and advice. A must read for financial overseers of nonprofit organizations.....
— Regina E. Herzlinger
This is the most comprehensive treatise to date on nonprofit financing. It will be of great utility to both practitioners and scholars.....
— James E. Austin
Financing Nonprofits attains a new plateau in advancing research and practice in nonprofit finance. Young and his colleagues clearly distinguish the study and analysis of nonprofit finance from that of government or for-profit entities, thus clearing the way to develop a distinct body of normative theory and practice for nonprofits. . . . All of the chapters are rich in case studies and analysis of real world issues. This impressive and accessible volume is a 'must-read' for CEO's, CFO's and trustees of nonprofits and for students and scholars interested in nonprofit finance...
— Virginia Hodgkinson, Georgetown University