AltaMira Press
Pages: 368
Trim: 6¼ x 9¼
978-0-7591-1000-7 • Hardback • December 2006 • $132.00 • (£102.00)
978-0-7591-1001-4 • Paperback • December 2006 • $61.00 • (£47.00)
978-0-7591-1403-6 • eBook • December 2006 • $57.50 • (£44.00)
Duane Champagne is professor of sociology, director of the Native Nations Law and Policy Center at UCLA, and a citizen of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa from North Dakota. He has authored and edited over 75 publications.
Chapter 1 Renewing American Indian Nations: Cosmic Communities and Spiritual Autonomy
Chapter 1 Culture, Institutional Order and World View
Chapter 2 The Cultural and Institutional Foundations of Native American Conservatism
Chapter 2 Economic, Political and Cultural Relations Among Colonizing Nations
Chapter 3 Change and Continuity
Chapter 3 Tribal Capitalism and Native Capitalists: Multiple Pathways of Native Economy
Chapter 4 Renewing Tribal Governments: Uniting Political Theory and Sacred Communities
Chapter 5 Self Government from Time Immemorial
Chapter 6 A Multidimensional Theory of Colonialism: The Native North American Experience
Chapter 7 Native Directed Social Change in Canada and the United States
Chapter 8 Border Towns
Chapter 9 Ramona Redeemed? The Rise of Tribal Political Power in California
Chapter 10 Toward a Multidimensional Historical-Comparative Methodology: Context, Process, and Causality
Chapter 11 The Delaware Revitalization Movement onf the Early 1760s: A Suggested Reinterpretation
Chapter 12 Colonial and Contemporary Religious Movements
Chapter 13 Culture, Differentiation, and Environment: Social Change in the Tlingit Society
Chapter 14 Economic Incorporation, Political Change, and Cultural Preservation among the Northern Cheyenne
Chapter 15 Indigenous Strategies for Engaging Globalism
Chapter 16 Native Issues in the 21st Century
Duane Champagne provides a sophisticated analysis on how Native Americans seek/sought to maintain or restore political and cultural autonomy in the face of overwhelming outside pressures pushing them toward individual and collective assimilation. Througha variety of impressive case studies ranging from Alaska to the Mid-Atlantic region, he carefully shows that indigenous communities' resistance is/was rooted in their own beliefs and cultural traditions, and that their quest for self-determination cannotbe simply understood or explained using contemporary social science theory or terminology. His excellent work is a call for scholars to study more thoroughly how indigenous communities conceptualize resistance, by exploring in greater depth Native American beliefs, cultures and languages rather than rely altogether on western models..
— Laurence M. Hauptman
Champagne's new book is a wonderful addition to his extensive body of excellent scholarship. Social Change and Cultural Continuity Among Native Nations presents classic sociological theories of social continuity and change in a very readable format. By using historical and current examples from a wide variety of American Indian and indigenous people groups, Champagne grounds the theoretical approaches and shows how groups respond and adapt to social pressures. Social Change and Cultural Continuity Among Native Nations is a must-read for instructors and students of social and cultural change — and anyone else with an inquiring mind!!!
— Robert J. Graham, Chair of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Deeply grounded in the struggles and achievements of Native Americans, Social Change and Cultural Continuity Among Native Nations challenges the United States, and the whole world, to learn from indigenous people. In this powerful series of essays,Duane Champagne provides a deeply theorized and empirically informed overview of contemporary Native American life. Economic, political, social, and cultural issues receive thorough and respectful treatment in Champagne's experienced and articulate analysis. This long-overdue book is an essential text for social science and ethnic studies courses. Indispensable and highly recommended!!!
— Howard Winant, director, Center for New Racial Studies, University of California Santa Barbara; author, The World Is A Ghetto: Race and Democracy Since World War II
Demonstrating an amazing breadth of historical knowledge and a solid command of social change theories, Champagne offers an engaging comparative study of Native politics, economy, and culture. Throughout the volume, Champagne is attentive to context —- the legacy of colonial domination, the history of indigenous institutional change, and the uncertain future of globalization. In highlighting the richness of indigenous perspectives, the essays presented here help us rethink our understanding of spiritualcommunities, the state and political governance, and the meaning of cultural preservation...
— Michael Omi