AltaMira Press
Pages: 280
Trim: 6½ x 9¼
978-0-7591-0757-1 • Hardback • April 2006 • $136.00 • (£105.00)
978-0-7591-0758-8 • Paperback • March 2006 • $53.00 • (£41.00)
978-0-7591-1436-4 • eBook • April 2006 • $50.00 • (£38.00)
John Falk is internationally known for his investigations and writings about free-choice learning including Learning from Museums (AltaMira Press, 2000) and Lessons without Limit: How Free-Choice Learning is Transforming Education (AltaMira Press, 2002). Prior to founding and directing the Institute for Learning Innovation, he held several senior positions at the Smithsonian Institution including Director, Smithsonian Office of Educational Research and Associate Director, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center. Falk serves on the national board of the National Postal Museum, the editorial board of the journals Curator, Journal of Museum Education and Science Education, and is a member of several national advisory commissions. Beverly Sheppard assumed the position of President and CEO of Old Sturbridge Village in June 2002. Sheppard is the author of two publications referred to widely in the museum field: Building Museum and School Partnerships and Museums, Libraries and the 21st Century Learner, both of which address the educational mission of museums and the strengthening of that mission through collaboration.
Chapter 1 Preface
Part 2 I. Doing Business in a Knowledge Age
Chapter 3 1. A World in Transition
Chapter 4 2. Creating a New Business Model
Part 5 II. An Environmental Scan: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
Chapter 6 3. Business in the Industrial Age
Chapter 7 4. The Brave New World of the Knowledge Age
Part 8 III. Building a Knowledge Age Business Model
Chapter 9 5. Experiences That Matter
Chapter 10 6. Understanding What's Important
Chapter 11 7. Being Community
Chapter 12 8. Attending to the Bottom Line
Part 13 IV. Implementing and Sustaining a Knowledge Age Business Model
Chapter 14 9. Strategic Decision-Making
Chapter 15 10. Putting It All Together: Thriving in the Knowledge Age
Chapter 16 References
A most valuable read for those concerned about America's museums and cultural institutions, willing to confront realities, and uncertain what to do, and for those adventuring beyond traditional fundamentals of the model. Falk and Sheppard will challenge your thinking and give you ideas galore.
— Frederick T. Miller, President, The Chatham Group
John Falk and Beverly Sheppard are two of the most thoughtful professionals in the museum field. Thriving in the Knowledge Age poses many questions that all museums and museum professionals should be pondering as they plan for the future.
— Jeff Rudolph, President, California Science Center
This insightful, thought-provoking, and practical book is a must for museums of all sizes and disciplines. Its invaluable information will enable museums to create new business models that center effective and relevant public service at the heart of their work.
— Irene Hirano, President and CEO, Japanese American National Museum
The need for museums and other cultural institutions to rise to new levels of relevancy, in order that they be maximally useful to society, and thereby also sustainable, is the major context for this timely book. For leaders and managers who are currently importing a business-like approach to their strategic and operational planning, which arguably ought to be a growing majority of us, John Falk and Beverly Sheppard have valuably integrated their knowledge and vision.
— Emlyn Koster, President and CEO, Liberty Science Center
The two authors represent very different aspects of the museum world — science and history, academic and practitioner. Their collaboration has resulted in a valuable book for both new and veteran professionals.
— Muse
This is a 'must read' for everyone who leads America's museums, works in these institutions, and believes in them as a vital part of American life. Thriving in the Knowledge Age may help each of us flourish with its creation of a new business model . . . a model which might also become essential to our very survival.
— Kathy Dwyer Southern, President and CEO, National Children's Museum