AltaMira Press
Pages: 288
Trim: 6½ x 9½
978-0-7591-0538-6 • Hardback • October 2004 • $135.00 • (£104.00)
978-0-7591-0539-3 • Paperback • October 2004 • $50.00 • (£38.00)
978-0-7591-1523-1 • eBook • October 2004 • $47.50 • (£37.00)
David J. Daegling, associate professor of anthropology at the University of Florida, is a biological anthropologist specializing in the study of primate anatomy and biomechanics.
Chapter 1 Preface
Chapter 2
Chapter 1: Encounters with Monsters
Chapter 3
Chapter 2: The Natural History of Bigfoot
Chapter 4
Chapter 3: The Social History of Bigfoot
Chapter 5
Chapter 4. Bigfoot Scrutinized: Why the Greatest Hits are all Misses
Chapter 6
Chapter 5: The Patterson Film
Chapter 7
Chapter 6: Further Musings on Footprints
Chapter 8
Chapter 7: Three Red Herrings
Chapter 9
Chapter 8: A Science of Sasquatch?
Chapter 10
Chapter 9: The Eyewitness Problem
Chapter 11
Chapter 10: The Bardin Booger
Chapter 12
Chapter 11: The Phenomenon
Chapter 13 References
Chapter 14 Index
Chapter 15 About the Author
I could not put it down! It is absolutely marvelous. Daegling's handling of the subject itself, as well as his treatment of the tension between science and, well, not science, is masterful. His writing style is spot on, perfect for a book written by a scientist for a popular audience....
— Kenneth L. Feder, Central Connecticut State University
Here is the book that both true believers and doubters have long been calling for: a serious scientific look at the evidence for Bigfoot's physical existence. Elegantly reasoned and written, Bigfoot Exposed treats the subject with an open mind, thecare and depth it deserves, and respect for everyone involved. Those of us who remain hopeful that Bigfoot walks should definitely read this enjoyable book, as well as the skeptics. While Dr. Daegling cannot prove that Sasquatch is strictly legendary, hecertainly raises the bar for belief in North America's giants. This can only be good for all in search of the truth...
— Robert Michael Pyle
How do you prove the nonexistence of something like Bigfoot? You can't. But you can critically examine the evidence, and apply scientific ways of thinking to establish probabilities that the wild man of the woods does or does not exist. In Bigfoot Exposed, physical anthropologist Daegling shows us how to reason scientifically. Anyone interested in critical thinking will want to read this book....
— Eugenie C. Scott
Daegling's level-headed dissection of the (surprisingly) enduring legend of Bigfoot is more thoughtful and bemused than derisively dismissive. But there's no question that the biological anthropologist?a specialist in primate anatomy and biomechanics, useful disciplines for a study of primate bones no one can find and for analyzing a creature's distinctive gait?both starts and ends his examination of evidence for the big beast's existence as a confirmed skeptic. He's a scientist, and scientists depend onverifiable data; his thorough examination?more a reasoned debunking?of the existing data brings refreshing clarity to a muddled mystery. By book's end, Daegling has convincingly refuted the few seconds of film allegedly capturing Bigfoot, back in 1958, and skillfully undercut the proof of oversized footprints by reporting on men who constructed fake feet. And he has, almost sorrowfully, assessed the arguments of the truly obsessed, which link Bigfoot's essential invisibility to the intervention of UFOs.It's not likely to change minds, however: as Daegling himself notes, myths don't depend on facts to fuel their persistence.
Highly recommended. All public and academic levels/libraries.....
• Winner, 2004, Best Skeptical Book, The Cryptozoologist