Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 346
Trim: 6¼ x 9
978-0-7425-6689-7 • Paperback • August 2010 • $83.00 • (£64.00)
978-0-7425-6690-3 • eBook • August 2010 • $78.50 • (£60.00)
David A. Lynch is chair and professor, Department of Social Science, Saint Mary's University of Minnesota.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Regional Trade Agreements: Making Sense of the RTA Spaghetti Bowl
Chapter 2: Africa
Chapter 3: The Americas
Chapter 4: Asia
Chapter 5: Europe
Chapter 6: Russia and the Former Soviet Republics
Chapter 7: The Middle East and North Africa
Chapter 8: The Pacific Islands
Chapter 9: Conclusion
Appendix A: The World Trade Organization
Appendix B: European Union Preferential Access Agreements
Appendix C: US Free Trade Agreements and Pending Free Trade Agreements
List of Abbreviations
The increase in the number as well as size of regional trade agreements (RTAs) in recent years has resulted in the proliferation of literature on the subject. However, much of that outpouring has dealt with a single RTA or some subset of the aggregate. Thus this volume, which offers a broad perspective, is a useful resource. Lynch identifies the large number of RTAs and provides information on their membership and other descriptive characteristics. In addition, he notes the influence of each with respect to regional or world trade. An introductory chapter discusses the overall importance of RTAs, their purposes, and criticisms brought against them. The introduction also includes an overview of trade agreement types as well as variations among RTAs. This is followed by seven chapters, each devoted to RTAs in a different region, and a concluding chapter. Several appendixes elaborate on selected trade agreements, e.g., the World Trade Organization. The book contains a list of abbreviations, glossary, and source notes. A supplementary Web site expands and updates information and offers links to RTAs and globalization resources. The text is understandable, quite free of jargon, and enhanced by boxes, figures, and tables. A useful introduction or reference. Summing Up: Recommended. All collections and readership levels.
— Choice Reviews
Lynch deftly untangles the spaghetti bowl of RTAs, providing a detailed understanding of the dynamics of trade agreements. This rich compendium on trade integration underscores the importance of regionalism in our globalized economy.
— Patrice Franko, Colby College
The sheer number of regional trade agreements worldwide is redefining the old order of global trade governance. This excellent and comprehensive book provides both experts and students with a new understanding of their complexity, dynamics, costs, and opportunities. Perhaps more important, Lynch dispels many of the myths and misunderstandings about the next phase of global multilateralism and new state practices. Surely an impressive achievement by any standard.
— Daniel Drache, York University
Explains technical economics terms to general readers
Provides a detailed online mapping of RTAs
Puts RTAs in their historical context
Compares RTAs with one another, for better understanding of their variation
Places RTAs into the context of international political economy theory
Considers RTAs in the context of the WTO, including the on-going Doha Development Round
Serves as an accessible reference for RTAs worldwide