Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 310
Trim: 6½ x 9¾
978-0-7425-4642-4 • Hardback • September 2008 • $143.00 • (£110.00)
978-0-7425-4643-1 • Paperback • September 2008 • $56.00 • (£43.00)
978-0-7425-6554-8 • eBook • September 2008 • $53.00 • (£41.00)
Rosemary Radford Ruether is Carpenter Professor of Feminist Theology Emerita, Graduate Theological Union, and visiting scholar, Claremont Graduate University and Claremont School of Theology. She is the author of numerous books, including Integrating Ecofeminism, Globalization, and World Religion.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2
Chapter 1: Social Systems: Orders of Creation or Demonic Powers?
Chapter 3
Chapter 2: Models of Church and State: Historical and Theological
Chapter 4
Chapter 3: Patriarchy as a Social System
Chapter 5
Chapter 4: Modernizing Patriarchy: Women, Children and Slaves
Chapter 6
Chapter 5: Anti-Semitism, European Nationalism and Zionism
Chapter 7
Chapter 6: Racism in the U.S.: White, Black, Red, Brown and Yellow
Chapter 8
Chapter 7: Social Ideologies: Sexism, Slavery and Racism
Chapter 9
Chapter 8: Political-Economic Ideologies: Liberalism, Socialism, Fascism
Chapter 10
Chapter 9: Economic Class in the United States
Chapter 11
Chapter 10: European Colonialism: 1492-1965
Chapter 12
Chapter 11: The Global Economy: Neo-colonialism and Neo-Liberalism
Chapter 13
Chapter 12: The U.S. and Global Militarism
Chapter 14
Chapter 13: Nicaragua in the Caribbean and Central American Context
Chapter 15
Chapter 14: The Two Koreas: Divergent Systems, Hope for Re-unification?
Chapter 16
Chapter 15: South Africa: Apartheid and Beyond
Chapter 17
Chapter 16: Ecology: The Context for All Social Systems
Chapter 18
Chapter 17: Social Systems and the Church's Mission
Chapter 19 Appendix: The Earth Charter
Chapter 20 Bibliography
With unflagging clarity in the face of the immense spiral of human sociality and violence, Rosemary Radford Ruether again tells a gripping story. Accessible for students, handy for scholars, inspiring for activists, Christianity and Social Systemsis a trustworthy and surprising resource for honest Christians or for secular critics. The Ruetheran Reformation roars on!!!!
— Catherine Keller, George T. Cobb Professor of Constructive Theology, Drew University Theological School
Rosemary Radford Ruether's Christianity and Social Systems is a breathtaking, comprehensive, and accessible historical reconstruction of social systems from gender relations, slavery, nationalism and anti-semitism, colonialism, neo-colonialism, andcorporate globalism through to current ecological threats. Using examples from around the globe, Ruether helps change agents understand how the current context has been shaped, and how churches can participate in constructing a new and just reality. A fascinating socio-historical treatment...
— Carol Robb
For decades Rosemary Radford Ruether has been describing the social history of human beings, especially in the West, with both objectivity and moral passion. She tells it as it is, letting the chips fall where they may. In the process, she has offended everyone, since in history no group turns out to be pure and innocent, but she has also offered hope. Since this hope is based on a realistic assessment of our past and present, it is the only kind that is truly real and useful. In this book the insights and wisdom derived from a lifetime of study and reflection are brought together. If any one book can be called Ruether's magnum opus, this is it...
— John B. Cobb Jr., author of Spiritual Bankruptcy: A Prophetic Call to Action