Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 360
Trim: 6¾ x 9⅜
978-0-7425-5523-5 • Hardback • January 2008 • $150.00 • (£115.00)
978-0-7425-5524-2 • Paperback • January 2008 • $67.00 • (£52.00)
978-0-7425-7250-8 • eBook • January 2008 • $63.50 • (£49.00)
Richard L. Harris holds a joint appointment as professor of global studies and of world languages and cultures at California State University, Monterey Bay. Jorge Nef is professor and director of the Institute for the Study of Latin America and the Caribbean (ISLAC) at the University of South Florida.
Chapter 1: Capital, Power, and Inequality in Latin America and the Caribbean
Chapter 2: Rural Transformation: Unequal Development and Persistent Poverty
Chapter 3: Dependency, Underdevelopment, and Neoliberalism
Chapter 4: Economic Restructuring, Neoliberalism, and the Working Class
Chapter 5: Insecurity, Development, and Democracy: A Pan-American Perspective
Chapter 6: The New Social Movements in Latin America and the Caribbean
Chapter 7: Women in the Social, Political, and Economic Transformation of Latin America and the Caribbean
Chapter 8: Indigenous Peoples: Changing Identities and Forms of Resistance
Chapter 9: Liberation Theology, Christian Base Communities, and Solidarity Movements: A Historical Reflection
Chapter 10: Ecological Crisis, Sustainable Development, and Capitalism
Chapter 11: Globalization and Regionalization in the Americas
— Choice Reviews
The essays written by a host of recognized professionals in Latin America studies focus on rural transformation, underdevelopment, economic restructuring, Pan-American perspectives on governing, economic, and social systems, gender, identity, theology, ecology, globalization and regionalism, and other subjects. Their analysis of such subjects goes beyond causes and consequences. In many ways, their conclusions border on a prophetic view of Latin American's future. This book, while structured for classroom use, is recommended to readers interested in the subject.
— Colonial Latin American Historical Review
Together, all the eleven chapters in this book provide a general comparative framework for a deep analysis of Latin America and the Caribbean, demonstrating that Marxism still stands as a comprehensive and prosperous field for the development of a critical science, in particular if it is based on the integrative concepts of capital, power, and inequality. The multidimensional researches of the historical context and the contemporary structures of capital, power and inequality address an interdisciplinary texture of economic, political, and social changes in Latin America and the Caribbean that converts this must-read book into a valuable source for undergraduate and graduate students as well as for a broader public concerned with this region.
— European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies
The editors of this collection have brought together leading critical scholars with a wealth of experience behind them to provide an up-to-date survey of the main economic, political, and social aspects of contemporary Latin America. Recommended.
— Ronaldo Munck, Dublin City University
Provocative analyses that invert current orthodoxies. Reshapes how we think about social movements, rural societies, working class struggles, and indigenous peoples.
— Elizabeth Dore, University of Southampton
The first edition of Capital, Power, and Inequality in Latin America was prophetic, and this revision is even more important, especially in light of the pace and space of globalization. In the spirit of Andre Gunder Frank, it examines Latin America and globalization: the diverse alliances of women's organizations and the growth of new social movements, political parties, indigenous movements, and environmentalist groups. While it is clearly written and appropriate for undergraduates, its analytical focus will appeal to all scholars.
— Pat Lauderdale, Arizona State University
Readable and engaging for students
Interdisciplinary in terms of theory, methodologies, and vocabulary
Genuinely comparative with a regional focus
Includes history, current issues, and new developments and trends
Concerned with progressive social change
New features
New edition includes thoroughly revised and updated chapters, several new chapter authors, and an additional online chapter on health security and insecurity