Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 138
Trim: 5¾ x 8¾
978-0-7425-5289-0 • Paperback • December 2006 • $23.00 • (£17.99)
Dr. Evelyn Hunt Ogden is deputy superintendent of schools in East Brunswick, New Jersey. As a consultant and state education deputy assistant commissioner for research, planning, and evaluation, she has worked with doctoral students from major universities in fields a wide range of fields. She has also served on the U.S. Department of Education's Program Evaluation Panel, which reviews research study claims. She lives in Trenton, New Jersey.
Chapter 1 The Doctoral Facts of Life:The Beginning
Chapter 2 Researching Your Committee: The Really Critical Research Project
Chapter 3 Selecting a Dissertation Topic
Chapter 4 Spending Money and Using the Twenty-first Century to Your Advantage
Chapter 5 Designing Your Dissertation and Preparing the Prospectus and Proposal
Chapter 6 Writing The Dissertation: Twenty Workdays to Go!
Chapter 7 Defending the Dissertation: Two Hours To Doctor
Chapter 8 Celebrating, the Last Revision, Post-Partum Depression
The major strength of the book is that it is easy to read and gives good sound 'common sense' suggestions and a process that is understandable and works. I believe a doctoral student will find comfort in reading the book and using the prepared forms and checklists that are provided.
— Dr. Ron Joekel, professor emeritus of educational administration at The University of Nebraska and former executive director and past internatio