Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 276
Trim: 6¼ x 9¼
978-0-7425-5106-0 • Hardback • October 2006 • $26.95 • (£19.99)
978-0-7425-5107-7 • Paperback • October 2007 • $21.95 • (£16.99)
978-1-4616-4273-2 • eBook • October 2006 • $20.50 • (£15.99)
Robert D. Atkinson, Ph.D., is president of The Information Technology and Innovation Foundation, a Washington, D.C.-based non-profit think tank with a pro-innovation, pro-productivity, and digital economy public policy agenda. He was formerly vice president of the Progressive Policy Institute and project director at the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment. Government Technology magazine and the Center for Digital Government named him one of the 25 top 'Doers, Dreamers and Drivers of Information Technology' and Inc. Magazine listed Atkinson as one of '19 friends' of small business in Washington.
Part 1 Part I. The Supply-Side Revival
Chapter 2 1. The Perfect Reagan Republican
Chapter 3 2. What Is Supply-Side Economics?
Chapter 4 3. A Brief History of Supply-Side Economics
Chapter 5 4. Supply-Side Economics from Reagan to W.
Part 6 Part II. Let's Look at the Evidence
Chapter 7 5. Do Lower Taxes Boost Work?
Chapter 8 6. Do Lower Taxes Boost Savings and Investment?
Chapter 9 7. Do Lower Taxes Lead to Higher Tax Revenues?
Chapter 10 8. Do Lower Taxes Affect Inequality?
Chapter 11 9. Do Lower Taxes Lead to More Growth?
Part 12 Part III. Crafting an Alternative
Chapter 13 10. Demand-Side Economics: An Alternative Blast from the Past
Chapter 14 11. Growth Economics: A Policy for Today's Economy
Chapter 15 Appendix: A Growth Economics Agenda
Supply-Side Follies is a closely-argued broadside against the Bush administration's two-pronged economic policy of tax cuts and more tax cuts. Anyone trying to evaluate the highly politically-charged arguments that these tax cuts stimulated economic growth, and may even have paid for themselves, would profit from thinking hard about the counterarguments Atkinson marshals in his clearly-written and accessible book.
— Joel Slemrod, Director, University of Michigan Office of Tax Policy Research
Dr. Atkinson's Supply-Side Follies is a primer on Bush/Reagan's supply-side economics doctrine, clearly showing how, despite claims to the contrary, it's a failed economic growth strategy. No solution-less Chicken Little, the book is full of provocative alternatives that understand the distinctions between fulsome economic policy in a global setting and unfair political ideology masquerading as such. Supply-Side Follies is an easily grasped must-read for every voter of every stripe.
— Leo Hindery, Managing Partner at InterMedia Partners and former CEO of AT&T Broadband and TCI
In this important book, Rob Atkinson leaves behind the stale economic debates in Washington, D.C. and presents a compelling case that both conservative and liberal economic doctrines are out of step with today's global, knowledge-based economy and that we need a new 'innovation economics.' This book is a must-read for anyone—liberal, centrist, or conservative—interested in ensuring a prosperous future for all Americans.
— Senator Evan Bayh