Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 152
Trim: 6¼ x 9
978-0-7425-4857-2 • Paperback • March 2006 • $31.00 • (£25.00)
978-1-4616-4586-3 • eBook • March 2006 • $29.00 • (£19.99)
Timothy Matovina is associate professor of theology and the William and Anna Jean Cushwa Director of the Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism at the University of Notre Dame.
Virgil Elizondo is Notre Dame Professor of Pastoral and Hispanic Theology. In 2007 Rev. Elizondo was the recipient of the Catholic Theological Society of America's John Courtney Murray Award, for distinguished achievement in the study of theology.
Allan Figueroa Deck is Executive Director of the Loyola Institute for Spirituality.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Facing the Dragon's Fire
Chapter 3 Seized and Saturated by Gift: Living for Others
Chapter 4 You Can Do It
Chapter 5 Go Forward in Hope for the Promises of the Lord Will Be Fulfilled
Chapter 6 Building Bridges as Worlds Collide
Chapter 7 Who Can Help Us Better to Prepare for Christmas?
Chapter 8 Treasure of Hope
Chapter 9 Juan Diego: The Empowered Evangelizer
Chapter 10 My Dear Juan Diego
Chapter 11 "Till There Was You"
Chapter 12 Converted by Beauty
Chapter 13 The Virgin of the Massacre
Chapter 14 Why Would Lutherans Celebrate the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe? A Theological Meditation
Chapter 15 A Great Sign Appeared in the Sky
Chapter 16 A Church of Hope
Chapter 17 Appendix: The Text of the Nican Mopohua
Chapter 18 List of Contributors
Chapter 19 Further Reading
Chapter 20 Illustration Credits
Chapter 21 Index
Chapter 22 About the Editors and Contributors
The Treasure of Guadalupe reveals not only new connections between Guadalupe and the Gospel, but also the hidden treasure to be discovered when we hear the Gospel proclaimed by women, the poor, and members of diverse cultural communities. Guadalupe's 'inculturated evangelization' is a gift to all the peoples of the Americas—a gift that is at the same time a challenge to our understanding of the Gospel and our way of life.
— Mary Catherine Hilkert, OP, President, Catholic Theological Society of America and professor of theology, University of Notre Dame
The book offers the redeeming encounter of Juan Diego with La Morenita. The reader cannot avoid entering the Mystery of the Incarnation in the New Birth in the American Continent. I experienced with these homilies 'the leap of joy' that liberates into action for the exigencies of discipleship in the Church of the United States and for this century. It's a treasure for all who minister!
— Alicia C. Marill, D. Min., Director of Doctor of Ministry Program, Barry University
The common thread that holds this collection of writings together is a profound and loving regard for Our Lady of Guadalupe. Prominent thinkers on US Hispanic culture and faith have contributed their genius to produce an anthology rich in prophetic, inspiring, and challenging insights.
— Rev. Ricardo Ramírez, Bishop, Diocese of Las Cruces, New Mexico
Many will find this collection of homilies, meditations, and illustrations on the Guadalupan tradition a rich source for prayer and reflection—especially preachers. Through their homilies and essays the contributors to this book can help preachers make the links between God's Word and our lives that are so essential for good preaching.
— Jude Siciliano, OP, Preacher and Instructor in Homiletics, Dominican Friars of Raleigh