Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 272
Trim: 6½ x 9
978-0-7425-4490-1 • Paperback • April 2005 • $54.00 • (£42.00)
Clarence E. Wunderlin, Jr., is associate professor of history at Kent State University and director of the Papers of Robert A. Taft.
Chapter 1: Education of a Senator
Chapter 2: The Fight Against Intervention
Chapter 3: Wartime Debates, Postwar Vision
Chapter 4: Opponent of Postwar Liberalism
Chapter 5: Cold Warrior
Chapter 6: Mr. Republican
Bibliographical Essay
In 1957 the United States Senate named the late Republican Majority Leader Robert A. Taft as one of the five most outstanding members ever to serve in that body. Clarence Wunderlin has applied his unexcelled command of Taft's vast documentary record to produce an engaging biography amply confirming the continuing appropriateness of the Senate's mid-century judgment.
— Richard A. Baker, author of The Senate of the United States: A Bicentennial History
In this biography, Wunderlin, who is editor/project director of The Papers of Robert A. Taft, traces the career of this prominent Republican conservative. His 'civic nationalism' ideals and anti-New Deal positions are clearly relevant today.
— Reference and Research Book News
Wunderlin's account offers a useful contribution to scholarly literature by tracing the intellectual roots of Taft's political thought back to the nineteenth century.
— H-Net: Humanities and Social Science Reviews Online
Wunderlin presents a concise, balanced portrait of my grandfather's life, clarifying the strong connections between his coherent political philosophy and his many policy positions. I found the book both informative and enjoyable to read.
— Bob Taft, Governor of Ohio 1999-2007; Distinguished Research Associate, University of Dayton