Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 256
Trim: 6 x 9
978-0-7425-0126-3 • Paperback • July 2002 • $71.00 • (£55.00)
Bernard Steunenberg is professor of public administration at Leiden University, the Netherlands. Jacques Thomassen is professor of political science at the University of Twente, the Netherlands.
Chapter 1 Introduction
Part 2 Representation
Chapter 3 Parties and Voters: The Feasibility of a European System of Political Representation
Chapter 4 Can the Circle Be Squared? Political Representation and Political Integration in Europe
Chapter 5 Transnational Trends: The Evolution of the European Party System
Part 6 Members and Parties
Chapter 7 Beneficial Cooperation or Mutual Ignorance? Contacts between MEPs and National Parties
Chapter 8 Going Native? Institutional and Partisan Loyalty in the European Parliament
Part 9 The Parliament as Legislator
Chapter 10 When Words Matter: Informal Rules and the Enlargement Debate
Chapter 11 Playing Different Games: The European Parliament and the Reform of Codecision
Chapter 12 The European Parliament and Environmental Legislation
This volume represents a broad and comprehensive empirical and analytical overview of recent trends in relation to the evolution of the European Parliament. It is well-research and well-written, presenting a methodical and convincing argument. The extensive use of models, surveys, and empirical data strengthens the weight of the argument and succeeds in challenging many commonly and widely held beliefs about the EP.
— Journal of Contemporary European Studies