Lexington Books
Pages: 238
Trim: 6¼ x 9¼
978-0-7391-8882-8 • Hardback • June 2014 • $128.00 • (£98.00)
978-0-7391-9745-5 • Paperback • August 2015 • $55.99 • (£43.00)
978-0-7391-8883-5 • eBook • June 2014 • $53.00 • (£41.00)
Benedikt Koehler is the editor of A History of Financial Disasters 1857-1923 and is the author of biographies of Ludwig Bamberger, one of the founders of Germany's Deutsche Bank, and of nineteenth-century political philosopher Adam Müller.
The Richest Man in Arabia
Markets without Government
Family Matters
A Mosque, a Market, and a War
Muhammad’s Household Finances
Muhammad’s Executive Office
Muhammadan Taxation
Rise of the Rashidun Caliphs
Decline of the Rashidun Caliphs
Journey to Jerusalem
Islamic Gold Currency
Bankers of Baghdad
Islamic Philanthropy: Waqfs
Islamic Venture Capital: Qirâds
Islamic Trade Centres: Funduqs
Law in Early Islam
From Law to Economics
Market Economics in Early Islam
Muslim Merchants Abroad
Shifting Alliances
Tax Havens in the Holy Land
The Economic Consequences of Saladin
Lives of the Merchants
Early Law and Economics in Christendom
The title of the book by an historian and former banker was surely devised with an eye to the marketing: it . . . [will] appeal to all readers interested in the world's dominant economic system who retain a healthy curiosity about its origins, and also tho those with an interest in Islam and its contribution to civilization. . . .Overall, this has been an easy, enjoyable and at times riveting read. . . .Well-referenced as it is, this is an excellent primer. . . [I]t is an enlightening spring through a fascinating period of history, illuminated by comparisons with other eras and regions and indeed fictions such as One Thousand and One Nights.
— Economic Affairs
The British economic historian Benedikt Koehler sheds light on an entirely different Muhammad: the entrepreneur from Mecca and the founder of economic institutions which – long before Italian cities of the Renaissance – gave an impetus to capitalist business practices.
— Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
This book advances a very powerful hypothesis; the author claims that capitalism originated in Islam with Makkah as its birthplace, instead of Christianity and medieval city-states in Italy during the Renaissance…. Overall, I believe this book is an eye-opener to many readers interested in Islam and capitalism. The tremendous effort the author made in developing and analyzing such an original hypothesis by delving into the medieval scholarly sources is worth crediting. The book may be one of the stepping stones for Muslims to better understand capitalism. I hope the book can create many avenues for discussion and exchange of ideas between capitalism supporters and Islamic scholars in the future for the betterment of humanity.
— International Journal of Economics, Management and Accounting
With a deft hand, Benedikt Koehler weaves parables and precedents into a thesis so compelling—for the American Muslim reader, so painfully intuitive—it begs the question how could contemporary capitalism’s seed not be present in the earliest of Islamic life and thought. Koehler demonstrates why explaining the origins of capitalism cannot be limited to examining Western ideas alone, it being the case that the regulated commercial risk-seeking prevalent at Islam’s advent was just as critical as sources of intellectual precedent which eventually shaped thinking the world over. His work represents an opportunity for bridge building that combats a legacy of misinformation and polarization inherent in comparative presentations of Islamic and Western economic systems and histories.
— Arshad A. Ahmed, Managing Director, Elixir Capital