Lexington Books
Pages: 162
Trim: 6½ x 9½
978-0-7391-9433-1 • Hardback • November 2014 • $120.00 • (£92.00)
978-0-7391-9435-5 • Paperback • August 2016 • $55.99 • (£43.00)
978-0-7391-9434-8 • eBook • November 2014 • $53.00 • (£41.00)
Stephen C. McGuinn is assistant professor of criminal justice at Quinnipiac University.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Prison Management
Chapter 3: Analytic Method
Chapter 4: Power Adoptions in Coercive Environments
Chapter 5: Alienation
Chapter 6: Prison Theory
Chapter 7: Conclusion
Not since the works of Clemmer, Sykes, and Glaser have we seen a book that so deftly builds a theory of prison effects and then submits it to a rigorous analysis. McGuinn’s book provides an understanding of prisons and how to change their management so that they can better achieve their goals. This is a must read for all students of prisons but also for anyone who wants to understand and change them.
— Charles Wellford, Professor Emeritus, University of Maryland, College Park