Lexington Books
Pages: 194
Trim: 6⅜ x 9¼
978-0-7391-9191-0 • Hardback • November 2014 • $120.00 • (£92.00)
978-0-7391-9192-7 • eBook • November 2014 • $114.00 • (£88.00)
Madeline Shanahan has worked as a consultant historical archaeologist and historian in Dublin, Sydney, and Melbourne. Her research interests and expertise relate to post-medieval Ireland, food history, early modern women, domestic space, and historical archaeology theory.
Table of Contents
List of Figures
Chapter 1: Text and Historical Archaeology
Chapter 2: Food and Cookery in Early Modern Ireland
Chapter 3: Dining in the Early Modern World
Chapter 4: A Short History of Recipe Books
Chapter 5: Irish Manuscript Recipe Books: Form, Function and Chronology
Chapter 6: Irish Manuscript Recipe Books: Contents
Chapter 7: Recipes for Modernity
Chapter 8: Texts and Objects in the Early Modern House
Shanahan's book is a major work in the historical sociology of culinary culture in general, which food historians across the world will need to study carefully. It is also a significant contribution specifically to the study of the history of food in Ireland, which is only now gaining momentum. Through her comprehensive study of manuscript cookery books, she is able to shed light on the interweaving of 'native' traditions and the influences stemming from Ireland's involvement in the British Empire, which is largely concealed by the predominance of cookery books printed in Britain.
— Stephen Mennell, University College Dublin
Full of fascinating information and ideas, Madeline Shanahan has opened up a new research area in Irish historical studies.
— Mary O'Dowd, Queen's University Belfast