Lexington Books
Pages: 336
Trim: 6 x 9
978-0-7391-9177-4 • Hardback • August 2014 • $147.00 • (£113.00)
978-1-4985-0115-6 • Paperback • August 2016 • $64.99 • (£50.00)
978-0-7391-9178-1 • eBook • August 2014 • $61.50 • (£47.00)
Dennis Weiss is professor of philosophy in the English and Humanities Department at York College of Pennsylvania.
Amy Propen is lecturer of rhetoric and composition in the Writing Program at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
Colbey Emmerson Reid is director of the Consumer Innovation Consortium in the Poole College of Management at North Carolina State University.
Introduction: MIND versus THING and Other ‘Central Events’ of the Twenty-First CenturyPart One: InterfaceIntroductionChapter One: Posthuman Topologies: Thinking Through the Hoard, Anthony MiccoliChapter Two: The Rhetorical Work of the GPS: Geographic Knowledge-Making and the Technologically-Mediated Body, Amy D. PropenChapter Three: Neo-Baroque Computing: Interface and the Subject-Object Divide, Elise TakehanaChapter Four: Techno-Geographic Interfaces: Layers of Text and Agency in Mobile Augmented Reality, John TinnellPart Two: ArtifactIntroductionChapter Five: The Plastic Art of LEGO: An Essay into Material Culture, Jonathan Rey LeeChapter Six: The iPhone Erfahrung: Siri, the Auditory Unconscious, and Walter Benjamin’s “Aura”, Emily McArthurChapter Seven: Victorian Cybernetics: Networking Technology, Disability and Interior Design, Colbey Emmerson ReidChapter Eight: Extending “Extension”: A Reappraisal of the Technology-as-Extension Idea through the Case of Self-Tracking Technologies, Yoni Van Den EedePart Three: UsersIntroductionChapter Nine: Mobility Regimes and the Constitution of the Nineteenth-Century Posthuman Body, Kristie Fleckenstein and Josh MehlerChapter Ten: Living Deliberately, Less or More: Affirmative Cynicism and Radical Design, Matthew A. LevyChapter Eleven: Seduced by the Machine: Human-Technology Relations and Sociable Robots, Dennis M. WeissChapter Twelve: “You really are you, right?”: Cybernetic Memory and the Construction of the Posthuman Self in Videogame Play, Brendan KeoghChapter Thirteen: Mediating Anthropocene Planetary Attachments: Lars von Trier’s Melancholia, Nicole Merola
Anytime one mixes new technologies with the posthuman, one can expect a wild ride. Design, Mediation, and the Posthuman does not disappoint. From iPads and Phones, GPS and Internet on to LEGO and Siri, then to Steampunk Corsets, Elephantman and Final Fantasy VII, the role of posthuman and technologies undergoes a stimulating analysis.
— Don Ihde, Stony Brook University
Design, Mediation, and the Posthuman provides an innovative set of interdisciplinary articles examining the intersections of the human, the technical, and the natural world. It offers both solid theoretical reflections on and interesting applications of ideas from major theoreticians working on these issues, from Bruno Latour to Peter-Paul Verbeek, Jane Bennett, and N. Katherine Hayles.
— Darrell Arnold, St. Thomas University