Lexington Books
Pages: 336
Trim: 6½ x 9½
978-0-7391-9124-8 • Hardback • December 2014 • $147.00 • (£113.00)
Jan Servaes is chair professor and head of the Department of Media and Communication at the City University of Hong Kong.
Part 1: Appetizers
Chapter 1: The Same Old Theory, the Same Old Quick Fix. But Please add Efficacy to the Mix
Chapter 2: From Ubicomp to Ubiex(pectations)
Chapter 3: On Living in a Techno-Globalised World. Questions of history and geography
Chapter 4: Intercultural Communication for Development in a Buddhist Perspective
Part 2: Arguments
Chapter 5: Technological Innovation and Social Change
Chapter 6: Cultural Values and Digital Networks as Predictors of Sustainable Democratic Development
Chapter 7: Being Meaningfully Mobile. Mobile phones and development
Chapter 8: Digital technology and the construction of “glocal” information flows. Social movements and social media in the age of sustainability
Chapter 9: A Trojan Horse in the city of stories? Storytelling and the creation of the polity
Part 3: Applications
Chapter 10: Communicating Neoliberal Development. A Critical Analysis of Grameen Bank Programs for Women
Chapter 11: Visual Technology, Youth Interventions and Participation. Two Cases from the Netherlands
Chapter 12: Analytical Antidotes to Technological Determinism. Learning from (Digital) Citizenship and Participation in Medellín, Colombia
Chapter 13: Video Technologies and Participatory Approaches to Peace. From technological determinism to self-empowerment and social change: An experience from Kenya
Chapter 14: Tiger Gate. A case study from China
Part 4: A + A + A
By way of Conclusion: People matter
This collection of essay stimulates critical engagement with often subtle, implicit ideas of technological determinism and calls for cultural and contextual sensitivity. The contributing authors discuss their topic with impressive intellectual wealth and invite to rethink the transformative potential of new ICTs for participation, citizenship, and democracy in the digital age. On the way, Servaes makes a compelling argument for fostering digital literacy as something that is not important for those at the margins of digital communication societies alone but also for people in digital communication rich countries.... This anthology presents a convincing assemblage of arguments emphasizing that understanding social change also requires a sense for historical continuity, cultural and geographical contexts, and contingency of social processes that shape, inform, and limit the social appropriation of technology and cultural development.
— New Media & Society
[Jan Servaes] has edited a valuable collection of essays that oppose technological determinism and idealism, instrumentalism and quick-fix solutions to long-term problems. It should be widely read.
— European Journal Of Communication
The struggle to apply contextually sensitive and genuinely participatory models and practices in the challenge of ensuring that the digital technologies are responsive to a multiplicity of needs is ongoing. The contributors to this book rightly insist that access to technology is never a sufficient underpinning for sustainable social change that is consistent with democratic values. This book should be widely read and its lessons integrated within all efforts to encourage theory and practice designed to empower people through their use of information and communication technologies.
— Robin Mansell, London School of Economics and Political Science
Servaes has edited a wealth of essays about the relation of technology and social change. Most chapters debunk the popular instrumentalism and solutionism of new technologies. However, technology is both defining and enabling. The book shows that in the end social and human factors prevail. For example, digital media promise more democracy and access for all, but in practice they could also lead to control or oppression and inequality of actual benefits.
— Jan A.G.M. van Dijk, University of Twente
A strong and compelling demystification of technology that should be read widely. The contributors deserve more than 3 A’s for their intelligent and persuasive discussions that challenge prevailing views of technology’s role in society.
— Janet Wasko, University of Oregon
Technological determinism keeps haunting research and policy in the field of communication. This book provides—through its scholarly contents and excellent structure—essential guidance to understand how deterministic approaches stand in the way of putting people first and facilitating sustainable social change. Invaluable reading for researchers, teachers and policymakers!
— Cees J. Hamelink, University of Amsterdam
Many of us see changes following the emergence of new technologies and believe that there is a causal relationship between the two. This book shows a different picture—one with the human factor accounted for, and explains why and how people matters in regard to ICTs and social change.
— Georgette Wang, National Chengchi University