Lexington Books
Pages: 160
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-0-7391-8945-0 • Hardback • August 2018 • $123.00 • (£95.00)
978-0-7391-8946-7 • eBook • August 2018 • $116.50 • (£90.00)
Christopher A. Riddle is associate professor and chair of philosophy at Utica College, where he is also the director of the Applied Ethics Institute.
Christopher A. Riddle
1 “Universalism, Vulnerability, and Egalitarianism”
Christopher Lowry
2“Capabilities and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health”
Patricia Welch Saleeby
3“What We Owe: Disability & Non-Talent”
Christopher A. Riddle
4“Disability: A Rethink”
Somnath Chatterji
5“Can Disabled People Be Healthy?”
Tom Shakespeare
6“Can a Social Model of Disability Encompass “Mental Illness”?”
David Wasserman
7“Death, Disability, and Self-Determination”
L.W. Sumner
8“Health And Functioning In Context”
Sara Rubinelli, Alarcos Cieza, and Gerold Stucki
About the Editor and Jerome E. Bickenbach
This wonderful Festschrift in honour of Jerome Bickenbach is not only a must-read for anyone who is interested in Bickenbach’s philosophy and his significant contributions in the field of disability studies, but also with respect to disability studies more generally. A fascinating journey awaits the reader through the lenses of Bickenbach’s former students and long-standing academic friends. Is there any better way to honour a true scholar?— John-Stewart Gordon, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania
This excellent and enjoyable book reflects the width and depth of Jerome Bickenbach’s work: scholarship that is committed to understand what justice and disability are all about, and how justice for people with disabilities could be accomplished in practice.
— Simo P. Vehmas, Stockholm University